Natasha - Spiderwoman

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You're the older sister of Peter Parker and you both go to a Stark party where you meet Natasha Romanoff.


I sighed when I stepped inside the huge room that was full of people talking, laughing and even dancing. Some were enjoying a drink near the bar and others made themselves comfortable on a few sofas playing what looked like drinking games. The music filled the room and added to the party atmosphere.

Honestly I hated parties and the only reason I came here was my brother  who invited me. Peter wanted me to meet the Avengers ever since he was a part of them. Though I wasn't so sure if I actually wanted to meet them. They help stopping threats from taking over the world, yes, but... where are they when people have to rebuild half destroyed cities? None of them stays and uses their enhanced powers to remove bricks and stuff... they don't lift heavy things so it's easier for the common people. No, it's individuals like me helping out and I wasn't even wearing my suit. I just went out there and helped with whatever I could.

I can still remember the broken looks in peoples eyes who were just standing in front of their shattered stores and had lost their life's work after that alien invasion in New York City. But also the way all of them supported each other. A lot of people came to help even from outside the city. Just not the Avengers who were probably celebrating in their mighty tower.

Clenching my fists I followed Peter around. Of course I had to meet that man first. He was Peters role model after all. That's the only reason why I accept Peters decision in being with them... Tony Stark once saved his life when I wasn't there.

"Hello there, Kid, glad you made it!", Mr. Stark said when he saw us, "And this must be your sister... Nice to meet you!"

I looked at his extended hand and sighed as I took it to shake his hand. For Peter...

"Nice to meet you too, Mr. Stark. So finally I meet thw man who's influencing my brothers life so much..." the hint of a smirk was on my lips.

I was totally going to mess with him a little, trying to get picture of that man.

"I guess so... Okay it was nice talking to you guys but I have to be over there greeting new guests. Enjoy the party!"

I raised an eyebrow as I watched him walking away where indeed some new people just entered the party.

Wow... not even a little one small talk...

"You sure he cares about you? Don't want you to follow someone who's actually just trying to shake you off..."

"No no no... Mr. Stark is just a very busy man. But really he's actually good to me. Just in his own way I guess." Peter explained trying to defend his idol.

"Well, I'll keep an eye on him. So what now? Anyone else I have to talk to?"

"Aw, come on. Let's do as he says and just have fun alright. Talk to whoever you want. But I'm just saying the other Avengers are around here somewhere and would like to meet you since I told them you'd come..."

I sighed and shook my head but not without a smile.

"Alright alright... I guess I might need a drink first so I can get through this."

"Oh yeah, let me show you to the bar!"

So I followed Peter over to where the bar was. The closer we got I noticed a woman making herself some cocktail at the counter of the bar. She looked stunning really! Red hair, red lips and that dress... Does Peter know who she was as well? I bit my lip.

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