Scarlett - Spill The Coffee

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You accidentally spill coffee on Scarletts shirt.

You couldn't take it anymore. You really needed your coffee or you would fall asleep any second because you were so tired. Which wasn't an option since you had to give an interview in a couple of minutes.

You see you're an actor. A newcomer actually and the newest member of the mcu. So of course people want to get to know you better and interview you with or without your co-stars.
Your hero is someone who can travel through different dimensions and universes by creating portals that would sent you from one to the other. Along with that you had telekinetic powers. Quite useful actually.

You just had your first small appearances in the Loki series but will also appear in the upcoming Black Widow movie. The plan was to set up your character to bring back the original Natasha Romanoff. It's supposed to happen in your very own solo movie later.

That's what's making your character so interesting to many fans.

Now you're waiting backstage for your time to shine when you feel the exhaustion of the past few days spread through your body. You had to travel a lot and jumping between time zones also took a toll on you.

So you were hoping for a staff member to walk by to get you some coffee or at least to tell you where you'd find it.

You had to yawn for the hundredth time by now. A hand covering your mouth while the other tapped on the armchair over and over again.

That's when finally someone passed the waiting area and you didn't hesitate to ask for a coffee.

They just nodded and hurried away before coming back with a to-go cup filled with the familiar dark brown liquid in it.

You thanked them and immediately took a sip of it. Closing your eyes you enjoyed the warm feeling of it filling your body.

While doing so you were already walking up and down the room again because you started getting nervous about the interview as well. It's said that Scarlett Johansson would be here as well and that you'll be on camera together at some point.

You already met every now and then but never really talked yet. Scarlett was kind of your role model when it came to acting so it was more than exciting to meet her.

For a second you closed your eyes to calm your nerves again and turned around when you bumbed into something all of the sudden.

Surprised but also shocked you opened your eyes when you felt the warm coffee on your skin. You were met by beautiful green eyes. It's Scarlett standing right in front of you!

When you looked down a little you immediately saw what happened. Her white top was soaked with your coffee!

"Oh shit, shit, shit... I'm so sorry!" You rambled while rubbing her chest without thinking trying to clean up the mess you made.

But then you stopped moving realizing what you've done. Your face must've looked like a tomato by now. Faster than someone could say coffee you removed your hands from her and stepped back.

"I.. I must seem like a freak. I'm so very sorry!" You basically shouted and ran away hoping to find a place to bury yourself alive.

What you didn't expect was Scarlett to follow you. But that's what she did, a smirk on her lips the whole time.

She saw you running into the bathrooms where you locked yourself inside of one of the bathroom stalls.

"(Y/N)? I know you're in here. Please come out, okay? You did nothing wrong." Scarlett tried to talk some sense into you.

You gulped. You were totally embarrassed. This wasn't how you pictured your first proper meeting with Scarlett to be.

"I'm not mad at you. I promise." She tried again.

That's when you slowly came out of your hiding place looking down at the floor. You just couldn't look her in the eyes.

But then her hand rested under your chin and basically forced you to look into that stunning eyes of hers.

"It's just coffee and I always have another shirt with me just in case." Scarlett told you reassuring you that everything was fine.

"Oh.. Okay.. I'm still sorry for.. You know rubbing your chest." You apologized.

That's when you were blessed by the beautiful sound of her laughing. It sounded so genuine and real and didn't feel like she was laughing at you at all.

"Well, it wasn't so bad to be honest." She grinned at you like she was trying to hint at something but you were to oblivious to understand that she was flirting with you.

"By the way it's nice to finally meet you... Like we're actually talking not just passing by. Gosh I've waited so long to get to know you and to find out who's going to save my character. You're a great actor honestly. I saw your scenes in the Loki series."

Scarlett complimenting you completely blew your mind and you needed a second to realize what was happening.

"I.. Thank you. And I'm sorry again. Well, can I do something to make up for it at least?"

"Yes, come and hang out with me some time in private."

You looked at her surprised and like you couldn't believe it.

"I.. Alright, will do."

"Let's exchange numbers. You have your phone with you?"

You nodded and handed her the phone so she could give you her number.

After that you both headed back to the backstage area you were waiting in. Scarlett got changed quickly before the both of you sat down and started talking about anything and everything.

You both also managed to get through the interview and teased one or two things about the future of your characters. Well as much as you were allowed to tell which wasn't too much.

Now you were just looking forward to that... What was it? A date? Well she invited you to that one new diner that opened up a few weeks ago.

"See you, (Y/N). Can't wait for it." Scarlett said before she headed out to get to her next appointment.

To say goodbye she pulled you into a quick hug and literally kissed your cheek. A smile rested on her lips the whole time.

After that kiss you practically smiled like a teenager experiencing such things for the first time.

"See you, Scarlett." You said a little dreamy and looked after her when she left.

What a crazy day.

Okay okay, so maybe it was a little rushed but I wanted the date to be in a second part. Hope you liked it a little. It's not the best and it sounded better in my mind. 😅🙈

Scarlett / Natasha imagines (mostly gxg)Where stories live. Discover now