Chapter 3: The best first day. Part one.

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"Kids, this is max. I just adopted him a few hours ago. He's your new brother." Bowser informed them as he sat beside max, who stared nervously at the koopalings. "He's also shy and nervous so try not to bombard him." Bowser added. "Well. He's certainly a tall human." I heard one say as he walked up to me. He was stubby with wavy blue hair and had on a black t-shirt that had 'pace' on the side of it but wasn't very noticeable unless you really looked, and had on gray knee length cotton shorts. His shell looked to be a navy blue color and like the others along with bowser, had sharp looking spikes on it. This one was definitely ludwig as he and i looked at each other a for a moment while he had a friendly look on his face. "Why's he so nervous?" The koopa who's balancing on the circus ball named lemmy asked. He had a rainbow color mohawk and had on a light green shirt and silver shorts. His voice sounded like he's hyperactive to max, which he didn't mind.

"It's his first time here, smarticles! Of course he's nervous!" Junior replies in annoyance who was pretty understanding. He wore a tan shirt that had a paintbrush picture on it with denim shorts, and his hair was in a pony tail. And his shell color was the same color as bowser's shell. "I was JUST asking..." lemmy mutters, while max came close to bursting out in laughter but remained calm...for now. But bowser, who was watching what was unfolding like a hawk had quickly noticed and chuckles lightly.

-Max pov-

Smarticles?! Wow, that'n is gold! It took everything i had just to not laugh my ass off right then and there! If the others are exactly like this, then i would definitely waste no time being the same way. I also noticed that every single one of them had spiked wristlets on. Well, except for junior and the one with the bow on her head. His didn't have the spikes on them, and she had gold bracelets on. Huh..i guess it must be an important family tradition to have those bracelets on..


"One thing's for sure though, he's definitely got some muscle on him! Heh, i bet you've lifted some weights!" One says as he sat beside me. This one had a darker skin color than the others, along with a star on his face. His shell color was black and he wore a blue tank top and beige shorts. He is definitely giving a burly bruiser type of vibe to max.

"Well, i've uh..never even set foot in a gym." Max replied which resulted in morton giving him a surprised look. "Bullshit. No one, human or otherwise can have that kind of muscle and not lift weights!" Another said with shades on who had chuckled at his response. His head was pink while he wore pink shades and his shell color was purple. He had a black shirt that simply said adidas on it and cargo shorts. This particular koopa is roy.

-Max pov-

Why is he..wearing shades? It's bright inside. I could ask, but this guy doesn't look like the I'll gladly answer questions kind of guy. That, and...i'm muscular? I never really noticed that about myself... "It's uh..the truth. I don't even know what a gym looks like." I told him, which is true since there wasn't much to see other than koopa village. I also found it surprising that i was being talkative and social when i was hardly the same way while i was living in the adoption home.


"Boys, let's just introduce ourselves already! I'm wendy, the only girl here!" Wendy said, who did that to quickly change the subject, and because she was rather impatient. She had on a pink bow with polka dots on her head, a red necklace, a pink shell, quite a bit of lipstick, and had on a neon pink shirt and a skirt. "I'm iggy!" He says. He had green hair that, to max, looked as if it reaches up to max's chest while he's standing, a pair of glasses, and had on a white polo shirt and blue pants. His voice, much like lemmy's also indicated to max that he's also hyperactive.

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