Chapter 22: Tense trip, max's prowess against the odds and marx's surprise.

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*Quick note.*  This chapter marks the beginning of a couple of chapters that will have brutal and bloody moments, and a character death at the end of this. Please keep this in mind before reading any further.

-One hour later-

Knowing what needs to happen, bowser decided that heading to the mall would actually be a good idea, and made sure that everyone, even mike, would be part of it. "Son, make sure you take that bib of yours with you." Bowser says to junior. "Um..why? Oh! Is mario here?!" Junior wondered, before assuming that mario had shown himself in the koopa kingdom. "I wish! I would love to pummel him! Seriously though, bring that with you." Bowser says to him. "Um..ok." Junior says as he quickly gets it from his room, and was highly suspicious as to why his dad wanted him to get it. He then wanted all of the koopalings to get their wands and put them in the trunk of the van.

-Junior pov-

I haven't had this bib on for about a year now...why would dad tell me to take it with me when mario isn't involved? That, and i made this when i was two years old, only reason it's still around is because it can turn me into a shadow version of mario...hmm...maybe i can start wearing it around my arm? I just find it so strange that dad would want me to wear it. What the hell is be going on?


"Why did dad tell us to get our wands?" Morton wonders, who saw that all of the koopalings got their wands. "I haven't a clue...i would think that he's becoming senile." Ludwig mutters. "I know why." Larry says with a grin. "And just how do you know mr secret agent?" Ludwig asks with a sneer while the koopalings and junior look at him. "It's.." Larry began to say, before mike interrupted him. "Let's just say that guys in hooded robes have been seen in random places. And larry? You can't hide, you know..." Mike says with a serious tone before grinning at larry.

-Iggy pov-

Hooded robes...i remember a phone call max made months ago where it was said that only one hooded robe was there's more?! Now it looks as if dad is wanting us to be prepared.


"W-what are you talking about? I wasn't there!" Larry quickly said, trying to lie about hearing mike, max, bowser, and kamek talking. "Then why could i sense your aura in the hallway? You can't hide that, mr agent." Mike says with a chuckle as larry was as red as a tomato. " much for being a secret agent." Ludwig says in a mocking tone. "Heh, heh..oh, i love this." Roy says, clearly loving how larry just got caught.

-Larry pov-, he's no fun...and roy will NEVER let me hear the end of it! Wait, max can sense aura too...damn... "But..i'm a secret agent..." I utter out before max chuckles. "I highly doubt everyone can sense aura, so in the sneak department, you got it covered. Just uh..not when you're trying to be sneaky with either mike or me." Max says, looking down at me. I mean..i guess he's right, but that still doesn't change the fact that roy won't let me hear the end of it! "Thanks..i guess." I say, still reeling at the fact that mike called me out.

-Roy pov-

HA, larry got caught! This makes me wish i could sense aura. Still, the fact that we're getting our wands, and junior getting his little bib with the angry mouth must be pretty serious, especially if it was on some sort of breaking news thing on tv. Why the hell was max watching the news anyway?

-Ludwig pov-

I just knew that that larry would one day get called out. How adorable that he tried to lie his way out. Admittedly, had it not been for mike's aura sense ability, i would have actually been surprised. Too bad pso sad for you, larry.

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