-Night Fear-

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Warlock wakes up in the middle of the night to go get a drink. He goes to the kitchen, gets a cup of water, and starts heading back to his room.

But then he stops outside his room at the end of the hallway. He doesn't know why, but a chill goes down his spine.

He feels like someone is watching him.

He flicks the hallway light on, the only light bulbs that weren't burnt out were on both ends of the hallway.

He sees that, standing right at the end of the hallway, staring at him, is Red.

Warlock quietly flicks the lights off.

He takes a deep breath... before immediately rushing into his room, locking the door behind him.

There is a short while of silence as Warlock slowly calms down.

He immediately goes completely still when he hears very faint footsteps that were heading for his room.

The footsteps stop, there is a short while of silence.

Warlock then hears Red mumble from the other side of the door, "...You left the window unlocked..."

Warlock then hears footsteps as Red goes down the hall again, presumably leaving. Warlock didn't know if he did leave or not, he was too scared to check.

Sometimes, Warlock was terrified of Red... this being one of those times.

NES Godzilla Creepypasta Oneshots #2 (Past Mistakes AU, ect.)Where stories live. Discover now