-Not-MechaGodzilla Headcanons-

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-Was found in the same location as Not-Varan, broken and missing some parts, but still barely functional.

-Can't really eat anything except for oil and gasoline because... robot.

-It took Red years to find and properly install all of the right parts they needed in order to function and fight better. They're grateful for Red's hard work and efforts.

-Can calculate a solution to almost any equation and has a search function where they can find an answer to almost any question one can ask.

-The powerful lazer in their mouth broke down after it used it against Mothra, and Red had no clue how to fix it.

-It's difficult for them to fit through most doorways..

-Their eyes used to be able to change color much like Not-Moguera's, but the mechanism that controlled that function broke, so their eyes are just stuck being red.

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