-Not-Hedorah Headcanons-

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-Decided to join Red and the others because he had nowhere to live after his parents had kicked him out, and has been the most faithful to Red aside from Not-Gezora or Solomon

-All of his little minions are actually his many neices and nephews that his siblings dumped on him to take care of. So he's managed to convince them all to 'help' him with his work, which means attacking whoever he commands them to attack and whatever else.

-As mentioned before, he has a tiny crush on Not-Varan that he has zero idea what to do about. So he's just somewhat accepted that he gets flustered around ém.

-The skull-like shell on his head is just.... armor. What? Did you think it was an actual skull?

-Can stick to ceilings and can sleep upside-down if he wanted to. But doesn't because he perfers sleeping on his beanbag chair, wrapped in a blanket.

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