Chapter 31

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Songs of Inspiration:

Believe by Justin Bieber

Out of Town Girl by Justin Bieber

*a few days later*

•Selena's POV•

I was feeling much better. Pattie even let me go down and watch Justin's rehearsals for tour. It was the first day that the actual stage was ready and Justin was itching to see it. We were standing in front of the studio doors.
"Just let me see it already!"Justin whined impatiently. I clutched his hand and leaned my body against his, still feeling a little weak from being sick. Justin silently noticed and wrapped his arm around my shoulders to support me.
"Okay! Calm your shit bro." Ryan said to Justin which earned a laugh from the Bieber team. Ryan was standing in front of the doors, making sure we were all ready. We had all gathered to see the stage for the first time.
"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people of all ages. After an excruciating long wait, I present to you, THE STAGE FOR THE BELIEVE TOUR!!!" Ryan excitedly screeched the last part as he burst through the doors and ran in.
"You ready?" Justin said nervously to me as he squeezed my shoulders.
"I think I should be asking you that question." I laughed.
"Let's do this." Justin said before gently pulling me through the doors.

We walked in, and the stage was huge. "Oh. My. God." Justin's face was pure shock.
"Justin? You ok?" I nervously asked him.
"I'm good. Just can't believe that the stage is finally real." Justin said in complete awe.
"THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!" Justin screamed out of excitement and jumped up and down. I started to feel tears of joy spill from my eyes. It felt so good to see Justin so happy.
He ran up to the stage and it was like watching a little kid in a candy store. I wandered over to a seat at the end of the giant runway so I could watch. Mama Jan had taken the kids to an indoor play place so it I was pretty lonely. It felt weird not having an 8 year old tugging on my sleeve.
I watched Justin get his headset set up and while Scrappy was plugging his in ear monitors into the receiver, Justin made funny faces at me. I couldn't stop giggling.
"Love you." Justin mouthed to me.
"Love you more." I smiled my at my adorable boyfriend. What did I ever do to deserve such a sweet guy?
"That's impossible." Justin mouthed back and a smirk curled up his lips.

"Okay! What song should we start with?" Justin's voice bellowed through the mic, now that it was hooked up.
"We should start with Believe so you can practice it on the piano." Scooter instructed as he held a clipboard and microphone. He was ready to get down to business.
"Okay." Justin agreed. He walked up the steps of the stage to where his band was and sat down at the piano.
Justin effortlessly began to play the intro.
"I don't know how I got here..." Justin smoothly sang through his mic.
He sang the rest of the song, and he really knew how to put feeling into lyrics, because by the end I tears were brimming my eyes.
Justin played it three more times to ensure he has the piano chords perfect.
"Scooter? Can we try a dance number, I'm freezing up here." Justin asked through his mic and Scooter laughed through his.
"Okay, warm up everyone! We'll begin in 5 minutes!" Scooter instructed the group of dancers. Justin skipped down the stairs in a happy mood. He came all the way down the runway so he'd be close to me. He sat down and began to stretch and I got up and stood by the side of the stage.
"Believe is such a beautiful song." I said. Justin looked up from his stretching and flashed his signature smirk.
"You like it, eh?" His Canadian accent laced his voice.
"I love it." I exclaimed. Justin leaned over and pecked my lips.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I'd say I love you more but you're just going to say that's impossible." I chuckled.
"You know me so well." Justin laughed as he returned to stretching before Scooter caught him slacking.
"Okay! Is everyone warm?!" Scooter bellowed through the microphone, making me jump.
"When he's stressed or under pressure, he tends to be bossy." Justin loudly whispered to me.
"I heard that Justin!" Scooter barked, which only made Justin laugh.
"You were supposed to!" Justin turned around and stuck his tongue out at Scooter.
"Centre stage. Now." Scooter tried to be strict but his lips curled into a smile and he lightly laughed.
"Gotta go!" Justin pecked my lips again and skipped down the runway.

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