Chapter 22

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Demi's POV

I hastily followed Selena as she ran to the bathroom. Seeing her father here must have scared the shit out of her. Just when she was starting to feel protected and loved by Justin, she sees the man who ruined her.

I found a vulnerable Selena sitting in the stall leaning again the wall.

"Selena?" I crouched down in front of my best friend.

"That douchebag ruined my life. I'll never be able to escape him." She muttered, before quickly lurching forward to the toilet to throw up again. I stroked her back in effort of comforting her.

"Selena, we have to go. We can't let your father see you."

"Demi, all I want to do it go home and see Justin." Selena was shaking from throwing up.

"Selena you're really sick. We need to get you to my house so you can recover. They won't let you on a plane when you're sick."

I helped Selena out of the stall and towards the bathroom door.

I made sure the coast was clear before we emerged from our safety. We shuffled towards the exit, not caring about groceries.

Selena and I ran out of the store and screamed for a taxi, desperate to get away.

Soon enough, we were in a cab on its way towards my house.

Selena's POV

I still felt nauseous as we drove towards Demi's mom's house. Seeing my father at the store literally scared the life out of me.

Thank God I had Demi with me because I would probably still be in the bathroom throwing up.

My shaky hands dug my phone out of my pocket. I texted Justin, not mentioning who I saw because it'd just worry him.

"Hi Justin. I love you so much." was all I wrote. It was simple but meant so much.

Justin's POV

After they started to complain about boredom, we decided to go swimming to entertain the kids.

Scarlett, Jazmyn, Jaxon, Ryan, Fredo and I all wandered down to the hotel pool. Since Selena left me with Scarlett, I was going to take full responsibility and look after her 100%, and wasn't going to just pass her off.

If my mom could take care of me when I was a baby when she was my age, I could take care of an 8 year old.

"Jump princess." I coaxed her to jump off the diving board. I held my arms out to show her I'd catch her. Scarlett shook her head terrified.

"C'mon I'll catch you. I promise."

I tried to get her to face her fear. Timidly, she inched towards the edge of the plastic board. In one swift motion, she covered her face with her hands and jumped into my arms. I caught Scarlett to prevent her head from going underwater.

"See? You're safe, princess." She came out from behind her hands.

"Justy, you're my hero." She kissed my cheek and it warmed my heart. "And you're my princess." I squeezed her tight before helping her back to the shallow end.

"JB! I wanna try something." Ryan grinned at me. Nothing ever went well when he had that grin on his face. "What do you have up your sleeve?" I wondered.

"You're strong right? Think you can lift me?" Ryan questioned.

"No you're a fat ass." I mouthed the last part so the kids couldn't hear. Ryan's face went into shock and Fredo started laughing.

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