Chapter 23

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•Selena's POV•

Demi and I explained everything to Diana and Madison, even Demi's kiss with Ryan.
"So your boyfriend is the Justin Bieber? As in little Justin from elementary school? Wow. Good for him." Diana was astonished on what we've been up to lately.
"Yeah. I know." I blushed.
"So how long are you going to stay?" Madison asked. Demi and I glanced at each other.
"When's the funeral?" Demi asked. It was currently Saturday night.
"Tuesday. Visitation is on Monday." Diana explained.
"Well we don't know when we'll go back since Selena is sick. They'll never let her on a plane." Demi explained. That meant I'd just have to wait longer to see my boyfriend and my sister. That sucks.
"Well we'll just have to concentrate on helping her recover asap! I know you probably miss Scarlett and Justin already." Diana explained, literally reading my mind.
"Lena, you look like shit. Go take a hot shower and get into bed." Demi ordered me.
"Demetria! Language!" Diana scolded her daughter. She meant business when she called Demi by her full name.
"Sorry ma. I won't do it again." Demi cringed at the sound of her real name.
I wandered upstairs after thanking Diana after she told me she'd bring up food for me. I grabbed my backpack from the front hallways and dragged it up the stairs.
After I showered and changed into some of Justin's clothes that I stole, I dove into the big and cozy bed in the guest room. I was asleep before my head even hit the pillow, completely not wanting food.

•Justin's POV•

It felt like hell to have to sleep without Selena safely in my arms. I missed her so much. I was tossing and turning in bed before I heard a soft knock on my door. After I climbed off the bed, I pulled open the door to reveal Scarlett standing there in her PJs clinging to the monkey we bought her at Darian Lake. "Justy? I miss Selly." She said before tears poured out of her little eyes. I scooped her up and swung the door shut. "Shhhh. You're ok. Selly is coming back. Don't worry." I tried to soothe her as I dug my laptop out from under my pillow. Selena and Scarlett were really close so I couldn't imagine Scarlett needing Selena more then right now. I quickly texted Demi.

Scarlett needs to Skype Sel. Is she up? Love, Justin & Scarlett.

I rubbed Scarlett's back as I waited for the reply.

She's up. She can't sleep bc she's homesick. Turns out she has really bad insomnia when she's sick. Skype her. She'll love it. Xox Demi

"Want to see Selly?" I asked Scarlett as she sniffled back her tears. She was leaning against my shoulder as I had her in my lap because she had tired herself out from crying. Scarlett nodded as I logged into Skype and clicked Selena's name.

Selena's POV

After I slept for a few hours, I woke up and barely made it to the washroom before I threw up. I've been awake ever since. That was 5 hours ago.
I was wrapped up in a blanket on Demi's couch. Justin's hoodie and sweatpants were keeping me warm. I missed him so much so the closest I could get to him was wearing his clothes. Demi came over to me with a hot cup of tea and my laptop. She was the best friend ever. Demi didn't hesitate to stay up with me after I couldn't sleep. It was 3 in the morning.

"I have a surprise for you." She carefully handed me the cup.

"Demi. I don't want to watch anymore funny YouTube videos. I know you find it hilarious when people fall off, crash into or break stuff by accident. All I want to do is go back home to Justin and Scarlett." Demi sighed and glanced at the laptop. "First of all, I'm done showing you videos. Second of all you can't call a smelly tour bus home. Third you're going to love this surprise. Trust me." She grabbed my laptop and tapped away with the screen turned away from me. I was worried since she wasn't showing me the screen. After a couple minutes, she set the laptop down on the coffee table and walked away.

My laptop started to ring through Skype. I reached out and clicked answer.

Justin appeared and was holding a puffy eyed Scarlett.

"Oh my gosh." I whispered. I miss them so much. Tears threatened to spill.

"Selly?" Scarlett whispered.

"Hi baby girl. It's me." I said as tears of joy mixed with tears of sadness fell.

"Selly? I miss you. When are you coming home?" Scarlett whispered.

She had been crying. I was so grateful that Justin could take such good care of her.

"Soon, baby girl. Selly promises." I stared at the computer screen.

"Ok. I love you." She said. I blew a kiss to her.

"I love you so much babe. I'm sure if you ask, Justy will let you sleep in his bed." I pretended to have a private conversation with her even though Jay was right there.
Justin laughed quietly, probably trying to avoid waking everybody up.
"Scarlett, how about this. Since neither of us can sleep, why don't you ask Justy to sing us a lullaby?" I remembered that was the only way the kids would fall asleep back when we were on the bus.
Scarlett nodded and whispered into Justin's ear. He nodded in agreement and smirked at me through the screen.
"Lie down ok? I'll sing." Justin moved the laptop around so Scarlett could lie down. He positioned it so I could see her and him sitting beside her. I slumped down to get comfortable, knowing that I'd soon fall asleep if Justin sang.
"Any song requests?" Justin asked us.
"Pray" Scarlett and I said at the exact same time.
"Ok. It goes like this." Justin went into his performing bubble.
"I just can't sleep tonight, knowing that things ain't right, knowing that things ain't right. It's in the papers, it's on the TV, it's everywhere that I go. Children are crying, soldiers are dying, some people don't have a home..."

My eyelids starting closing and I felt myself instantly fall asleep.

Good night loves. It's late. I'm tired.
Thanks for reading 😘

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