Chapter 34

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Do you guys even remember me? I feel horrible for not posting in a million years! I was busy and I'm so sorry. But now I'm back and its summer so more time to write! Enjoy!

Selena's POV

I was both nervous and relieved when I saw the name on my phone.
She hadn't called me in a couple weeks, not even when I left in a hurry.
"Demi?" I quietly said into my phone.
"Hi. How are you?" Demi asked.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't want to leave, but I just couldn't emotionally handle it." I blurted out in a rush, confessing my true feelings to Demi.
"I know. To be honest, I'm surprised that you even got onto the plane." Demi chuckled.
"So you're not mad at me?" I wondered.
"How could I possibly be mad at my best friend? I understand you can't emotionally handle funerals or even death in general." Demi cooed.
"Thanks Dems. Means a lot. When are you coming back?" I asked my best friend, in desperate need of her.
"Sel, that's the thing. I don't think that I'm going to come back. Madison is really going through a hard time, and I need to support her. I'm so sorry Selena." Demi winced into the phone, and my heart broke.
"No, no, it's fine, really fine. Family first." I assured Demi.
"How the fuck am I going to tell Ryan through? We have really strong feelings for each other." Demi sighed.
"I can tell him." I volunteered, but Demi instantly protested.
"No, don't worry about it. I'd be a total bitch if I had someone do it for me. I'll let you know when I tell him, and after I do could you please support him and make sure he's okay?" Demi asked me and I agreed to.
"Of course. Anything for you." I promised.
"Okay, I gotta go. Madison wants me to sleep in her bed tonight. Goodnight Sel, I love you." Demi told me, and it comforted me to have such a great friend.
"Bye Demi, I love you and Madison." I proclaimed before we hung up.
I waddled down the hall and sunk into our bed, allowing sleep to completely suffocate my thoughts .

Demi's POV

After I hung up the call with Selena, I pulled my laptop out and logged onto Facetime. After a slight hesitation, I clicked Ryan's contact name and silently prayed he would answer. As the dial tone rang through my ears, I mentally prepared myself for what was to come. I got so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even realize that Ryan had picked up. He was just sitting there, watching me.

"Hi babe." He whispered.

"Hi. . . hi." I stammered.

"So, are you going to come back? I mean, Selena is back, and I was disappointed that you didn't come with her. Demi. . . it's been weeks and I miss you so much. So much." Ryan emotionally opened up to me.

I felt some tears slip down my cheeks and lifted my glasses up to wipe my raw skin. I must have looked horrible, with no makeup, hair pulled up in a messy bun and glasses on.

"Ryan, you know that I want to come back so badly. You have no idea how much I want to be on that bus again, but I can't come back. My little sister needs me, and I need to be here for her so she doesn't do something stupid. She was really close with her dad, and I'm afraid if she's alone she'll go down the wrong path. I'm so sorry babe." I cried. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt anyone, but I didn't have a choice. Madison was my priority at this point.

"Shhhh. It's okay. I completely understand. Family comes first. Always." Ryan told me.

"Thank you." I sighed.

"I gotta go, we have early morning rehearsals. Feel free to call me anytime. I'll always be willing to talk to you." Ryan assured me.

"Thank you Ryan. You have no idea how grateful I am for that. Bye." I whispered before I logged off.

{the next morning}

Ryan's POV

I woke up and quietly crept into Justin and Selena's room and found them sound asleep. I carefully nudged Selena awake so I wouldn't awake Justin.

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