Chapter 26

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I'm slightly freaking out because I just found out that I have readers all over the world including Brazil and Austrailia!!!
Here you go peeps 😘

•Justin's POV•


"5, 6, 7, 8!" Nick, my choreographer counted us into the combo we just created to go along to "Boyfriend".

We made it through the whole dance without a single mistake.
"Great work today, JB." Go get some rest. We'll work again tomorrow." Nick gave me a bro hug.
"Thanks man, see you tomorrow." I rushed back up to my room, desperate to dive into my big cozy bed. Then I remembered it was a little too big since my favourite girl wasn't in it. After hastily shoving the plastic key card into the slot, I waddled into my room and towards the bathroom.
After peeling off my t-shirt and shuffling out of my basketball shorts, I stepped into the shower and the burning water flowed over my body, instantly soothing my already sore muscles. I squirted some body wash onto a loofa and lazily ran it along my body, too weak to be precise. After racking my hands covered in shampoo through my hair, I got out of the shower and went digging for fresh clothes. I pulled on some boxers, plaid PJ pants and a hoodie before wandering off to say goodnight to Scarlett.

I checked Dad's room first, assuming that she was in there sleeping with Jazzy.
"Have you seen Scarlett?" I asked Dad, who was watching a rerun of Saturday Night Live.
"Last time I checked, she was hanging out with your mom." Dad muttered, focusing all of his attention on the TV program.
"Thanks Dad." I rushed to Mom's room.

I swung open her door to find her on the couch reading a book.
"Mom? Have you seen Scarlett? I need to put her to bed." I was starting to get worried. All I did was leave for dance rehearsal for a few hours and my team loses track of a kid. I really hope Mom knew where she was.
"I actually do, honey. Why don't you go check in your room?" Mom put down the book to give me her full attention. I really liked when people focused when speaking, it was polite.
"Mom, I already checked there, I just had a shower!" I explained, running out of patience.
"Well, maybe you need to look a little harder." Mom beamed, trying to hide the sparkle in her eye that told me that Scarlett was fine and that I shouldn't worry.
"Okay, thanks." I said, instantly relieved. I kissed my Mom's cheek before hurrying back to my room.
Scarlett relieved herself with a flashlight beam from under the bed. I heard her talking to someone.
"Ok, Mr. Snuggles, you're all cozy. Keep Ms. Lavender safe. And feel free to wake me to up Mr. Squeaky if you feel lonely since you're the smallest." It sounded like she was giving her stuffed animals a pep talk before bed.
"Scarlett?" I softly said, slowly approaching the bed. I heard her gasp and the flashlight went out. I chuckled to myself.
"Don't worry, princess, it's only me...Justin." I reassured her. By this time I had reached the bed and lay down on my stomach and lifted the bed skirt. Scarlett was all tucked into blankets and was surrounded by pillows and stuffed animals.
"You sure look cozy under there, but why don't you sleep on the bed instead of under it." I coaxed her. She instantly shook her head and pulled her teddy bear closer to her. I knew she wanted comfort because she missed Selena.
"Okay." I sighed, making a mental note to pull her out from under there after she fell asleep. I flipped the bed skirt down and climbed up onto the bed, opening my laptop to watch Netflix. Soon enough, I found myself dozing off from exhaustion.

•Selena's POV•

As I was inputting my credit card information into the computer, I had a dejavu moment. I was sneaking out of a house just a couple weeks ago. My life was so fucked up. All I wanted was a real family, a mother to nurture me and take care of me, a father to protect me, and siblings to play with. My life was that my mother was dead, my father is a jack ass and my sister is more like my daughter.
What did I do to deserve all this? I mean, I'm a good person.

I called a cab and dragged my suitcase down the stairs.
The yellow vehicle was here within minutes and I took one last look at the house before leaving.
As I stepped out of the house, the brisk night wind flowed through my hair. I shivered slightly, probably more sensitive to the cold since I was sick. I pulled the drawstring of Justin's hoodie tighter.
"Airport please." I mumbled as I slipped into the taxi.
The driver nodded and pulled away from Demi's house.
Just as we were pulling away, I saw headlights pull into the driveway.
My stomach lurched into my throat, knowing I'd hear her wrath soon.

:) hope you enjoyed

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