Chapter 13

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Selena's POV

I woke up in a big comfy bed. Justin was beside me asleep.

I remembered where we were and a huge smile spread across my face. I managed to slide out of bed without waking up Justin. I changed into a tank top and a pair of his sweatpants. His clothes were so comfy. Even though the waist band was huge on me, I managed to pull the draw-string tight enough so it would hug my hips. I grabbed my MacBook out of my backpack. I tiptoed through the bunk hall to find Ryan sleeping in the bunk across from Demi. I think he has a crush on her. I made myself comfy in the booth before I logged onto my computer. I wanted to eat breakfast with Justin so I didn't eat yet.

I fooled around on my laptop for about a half hour before I went to wake everyone up. I started with Justin so I could cuddle.

"Wake up Justin." I cooed as I hugged him.

"Five more minutes mom!" He said in a sleepy daze.

"Ok. I guess you don't want to kiss your amazing girlfriend and maybe treat her to breakfast." I whispered in his ear as I straddled his hip. I couldn't stop laughing at the fact he thought I was Pattie. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in the covers with him.

"Hi." I said sweetly.

"Good morning beautiful." Justin said as he kissed my lips.

"Good morning handsome." I said

to him. "Are you willing to treat me and the others to breakfast? I'm starving."

"Sure. Ill call everyone. It's time for a little break. The driver needs to rest." Justin got up and called everyone while I went to wake the girls up.

"Demi. Wake up. We're stopping for breakfast." She just groaned and rolled back over facing the wall.

"You asked for it!" I laughed as I pulled her blanket off.

"Selena!!!!!" Demi screamed at me, causing me to actually fear for my life. I forgot she was not a morning person. She sat up and swung her legs over the edge of the bunk and reached out to poke Ryan awake before she jumped down. He didn't budge though. I gently shook Scarlett awake. She was really groggy so I helped her sit up to dress her. Since we were going to be driving all day, I didn't bother putting her in anything nice so I helped her into a clean pair of sweat pants, a t-shirt and fuzzy socks. After I French braided her curly hair in one braid, she ran off to go watch cartoons and I followed her. "Ryan! Wake up!" Demi said to Ryan as she looked up at his bunk with her hands on her hips. He was facing the wall of the bunk.

I was watching her from the kitchen booth and laughed to myself. It looked like Ryan wasn't the only one with the crush.

"If I have to get up this early so do you!" Demi informed him. No response.

"You asked for it!" And before I knew it she whacked his back with a pillow.

"Jeez JB! Enough with the pillow!"

Ryan groaned as he sat up. It made me wonder what Justin did to Ryan last night.

"It's not Justin you moron." Demi said as she flung the pillow back up to her bunk.

"Wow. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bunk." Ryan complained as he jumped down.

"I'm not a morning person ok?" Demi said as she rubbed her eyes trying to wake up.

"Really? I always sleep way better on a bus. I'm curious on how you are in the morning not on the bus."

Demi started to talk but

Ryan held up his index finger to stop her and turned to Fredo who was peacefully asleep in his bunk. Not for long. Ryan leaned down.

"FREDO!" He screamed in his ear.

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