Chapter 11

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Eventful chapter!!!!! What will happen when Selena meets Justin's crew? Read to find out, loves!

Btw, if you love a certain British/Irish band named One Direction, you better make sure to check out Jonnicaahill! She has an amazayn fanfic called Blind. Visit her account and send her some love please! :)

Enjoy the chapter!!!

Selena's POV

I woke up in Justin's strong arms. I felt safe there. I traced his owl tattoo on his forearm until he woke up. He kissed me good morning before I pulled away.

"You busy today?" I asked curiously. Justin checked his iPhone before replying. "I'm all yours today babe. What do you want to do?"

"Movie day!" I said with a huge grin on my face. Justin pulled his laptop towards him and logged into iTunes. He let me buy as many movies as I wanted. He was fiddling on his phone when I was about to press play on The Notebook.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked curiously.

"Telling my crew to not bug me on my day off." He locked his phone and threw it across the bed. He wrapped his arms around me as we watched hours and hours of movies. I fell asleep again. I woke up alone. My phone bleeped. After clawing around the sheets, I found it.

"Come find me. ;)"

Love J

It was weird how he knew when I woke up......

I climbed out of bed and went rummaging through Justin's suitcase again. I really needed to get my own clothes. I found a clean hoodie and pulled it over my tank top. My jeans would have to do. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I put eyeliner on and a bit of mascara. I swiped my Chapstick over my lips before putting Justin's SnapBack on. I knew exactly where he was. The only place we met up was the studio. I drove there in his truck. On my way I called Scarlett on my Bluetooth. "Hey babe. How was your night?" I asked. I would have to lie to her where I was again. It broke my heart.

"Great! Demi ordered pizza and we watched movies and played board games. Where are you?" She questioned. I was glad Demi could take such good care of her. Now came the lying. The excitement in her voice made it so much harder to lie. "Uh..... I was out with a friend last night and it got late so I just stayed at their place. Ill see you tomorrow ok babe? I miss you so much. Tell Demi I say buy anything you need or want. Ill pay her back. I've got to go because I'm driving but I'll see you real soon ok? Love you Scarlett. Be good princess." I muahed a kiss sound into the phone.

"Love you too Selly!!! I miss you lots! Hope you have fun today." She also muahed a kiss sound into the phone. I hung up. It made me sad that I had to bend the facts but I didn't want to suddenly drag Scarlett into my love life. If something happened between me and Justin, it'd be hard to explain to Scarlett. I found a parking space. I knew it was safe to go up because only Justin's truck was there. After I went up the stairs two at a time, (I was excited to see Justin) I snuck in behind him again, wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey babe. I guess you found me."

Justin laughed. He pressed pause on his laptop which was playing Overboard. My favorite song.

"I love that song Justin. It's my favorite."

"Really? So you're a belieber eh? Good to know...." He trailed off. Justin threw me over his shoulder and before I knew it, I was in the recording booth. I had no idea how I let Justin convince me to record Overboard with him. It sounded fun though. He promised it wouldn't get out. It would be our little secret.

"Justin! I don't know how you expect me to know how to sing." I called through the booth.

"4 words! He said holding up four fingers and ticked off each word."6th grade talent show!" He laughed back. I can't believe he remembers that. I had sung my mom's favorite song in honor of

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