Chapter 16

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Selena's POV

When I woke up the next morning the bus was parked. We must have gotten ahead of schedule. Someone knocked on the door. Justin was still asleep so I sat up. "Come in." I said as I got out of bed. Jeremy popped his head in, holding Jazzy. "You guys awake?" He said. He saw Justin passed out. I followed his gaze and laughed.
"Well, one of us is." I said as I dug through my suitcase for one of Justin's hoodies. "I should have known." Jeremy laughed. "Justin! Wake up." He said as he shook Justin's foot. No response. "I got this." I took Jazzy from him after I slipped on Justin's hoodie and went into the bathroom.
I filled a cup with ice cold water and
came back out. Ryan was in the doorway with his pillow ready to wake Justin up. "No! I have an idea." I told him. I went over to Justin and poured the water right on his bare back.
"Genius idea Sel!" Ryan said.
"Ryan!" Justin jumped up. I laughed so hard because it wasn't Ryan.
"Dude! It wasn't me!! It was your girlfriend." He said as he pointed to me from his hiding spot behind Jeremy. "And you can't tickle me because I'm holding Jazzy." I smirked. "Hey Dad." Justin said as he ruffled his hair.
"Hey dude. How were the kids yesterday?" Jeremy asked.
"They were little angels. You might want to keep in mind that Jazzy can run very fast." She and I giggled before I kissed her cheek. "Oh yeah? I'll have to keep a closer eye on you then, eh kid?" Jeremy ruffled Jazzy's hair as she giggled. "Where's Erin?" Justin asked after he checked his phone.
"Out in the living room with everyone else. Come out here. We have a little surprise." Jeremy said before he left our room. "What do you think it is?" I asked Justin as he wrapped his arm around my waist. "It's our dad. It could be anything. Eh Jazzy?"
"Bieber's right, Selly. It could be anything." She informed me. Justin laughed before he kissed my cheek then led me out of our room holding my hand.

Justin's POV

I sat down on the couch and pulled Selena's waist to guide her to sit in my lap with Jazzy in her lap.
"So for willing to have them and taking such good care of the kids, we have a little gift for you." Dad said as he wrapped his arm around Erin. He handed me an envelope.
I pulled something thick out of it.
"Five tickets to Darien Lake. It's an amusement park we're passing. We already called and they closed it so you have the whole park to yourselves and no fans or papz to bug you. Especially with your fans not knowing about Selena." Dad explained. "We'll take care of the kids while you, Selena, Demi and the guys have fun." Erin smiled.
"We're stopping in half an hour. It's a five hour drive so as long as you're back by 6, we'll be in New York in time for the release. We'll go to our hotel after and wake up in time for the meet and greet." Dad explained.
"Are you sure you can handle Scarlett? She and Jazzy are inseparable." Selena giggled. "We're fine with it! Like I said, she's a little angel." Erin assured me.
"Thanks." Selena said. "It'd be fun to have a break before all of the craziness with the tour and album." I said. "Lets go get ready." Selena said to Demi. Jazzy jumped down and curled up in Dads lap. Selena and Demi walked off down the hall. "Thanks Dad. Really means a lot." I quickly hugged Dad and Erin before I pushed the guys to go get changed.

Selena's POV

I put on my neon highlighter pink bikini before I changed into a high waisted pair of dark wash jean shorts and a light purple flowey crop top. I grabbed one of Justin's SnapBacks and put it on my head backwards. I slipped my feet into my flip flops before I quickly claimed the bathroom. Demi joined me. She also had a bikini under her T-shirt and cut offs. We got ready side by side. She sprayed her short blond bob with her sea salt spray to make it wavy. I fishtail braided my chocolate brown waist length hair. Since I was so good at braiding my hair, I didn't need a mirror so I walked around the bus to entertain myself while I braided. "Babe, what are you doing?" Justin laughed at me when he saw me. He had swimming trunks and a plain white tank top on. "Braiding my hair." I said as I watched TV. After I finished, I went back into the bathroom and brushed my teeth before I put on some makeup. Since we were only going to the amusement park, I just swiped lip gloss over my lips and brushed mascara through my lashes.
"Jay? Do you have any extra sunglasses? I lost mine." I called to him was I screwed my mascara back together. "Yeah. One sec." Justin said from a distance. A few minutes later he appeared with a pair of Ray Ban aviators.
"You can have them. I have new ones." He said. "Thanks babe." I kissed his lips quickly.
I grabbed my phone and wallet and slid them into the back pockets of my shorts as the bus stopped.
"Bye baby girl. I love you so much. Have fun and be good." I said as I leaned down to kiss Scarlett on her lips. "Bye Selly. Have fun." Scarlett said before she hugged me.
"Bye Fredo!" Scarlett said as she high fived him as he passed her.
"Bye squirt!"
"Bye babe." Demi said as she picked up Scarlett in a bear hug and shook her back and forth.
"Demi!" Scarlett shrieked excitedly.
She put her down and Justin walked up to Scarlett after saying bye to Jazzy and Jaxon.
"Up top." Justin said as he held his fist up to Scarlett. They fist bumped and pulled their hands back to mimic an explosion. I laughed at their cuteness. "Bye Justy!" Scarlett said as she kissed Justin's cheek.
Ryan came up to Scarlett with a wicked grin. "Ryan..." Scarlett said worriedly. He tossed her over his shoulder and spun around in circles earning a very high pitched squeal.
"Bye troublemaker!" Ryan said when he put her down.
"Me?! A troublemaker?! You're the troublemaker Ryan! Last time I checked, I don't wake up people by screaming in their ears and hitting them with pillows." Scarlett said with her hands on her hips. I just laughed because she had so much attitude for 8. Justin grabbed my hand and intwined our fingers as we got off the bus. They had dropped us right off at the gate for for park. The bus drove off. Justin said they had to find a place to hide the buses so they wouldn't attract fans. We gave our tickets to the attendant before we went through the turnstile with Justin never letting go of my hand. "Ok. Let's make a game plan. Split up or stick together?" Justin asked me, Demi and the guys. "Demi! We have to go on that!" Ryan said as he pointed to a roller coaster that made my stomach drop. ****Leviathan*****
"Dude! That looks amazing! I'm in. Fredo?" Demi turned to Fredo.
"Sure. JB? Sel?" Fredo said.
"If Justin goes, I'll go." I said as I squeezed Justin's hand.
"I'll go, but babe, you don't have to go if you don't want to. I'll stay back." Justin said to me.
"No. I want to go." I wasn't going to chicken out. "You sure?" Justin double checked. "Yeah. Let's go." I said as I pulled Justin's hand.
We left our phones, wallets, hats and sunglasses with the ride attendant before they strapped us in in the first row. Ryan/Demi/Selena/Justin/Fredo
I grabbed Justin and Demi's hands and squeezed. I noticed Demi and Ryan were holding hands too. It was so cute. The line of carts climbed the steep incline. When we popped over the top, we couldn't even see the track because the drop was so steep.
"Here we go!!!!!" Ryan yelled.
"OH MY GOD!" I squealed as we fell down the very steep track. I squeezed my eyes shut. It felt like I was flying.

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