Chapter 5

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*Dramatic chapter*

I didn't care if I made Dad look bad. Scarlett will never see him again so it didn't matter. The next moment made my heart break and melt at the same time. She leaned into my shirt and started crying. I didn't know if it was pain or happiness.

"Thank you Selly." She sobbed out.

I held her tight until we had to board. When it was time, I carried her to the gate bridal style because she had fallen asleep again. I showed them our passports and boarding passes and hurried onto the plane because I would get to sleep. I wouldn't have to worry if Scarlett was safe in the same house as that monster. I heard her cry herself to sleep every night. If I went to comfort her though, our abusive father would punish me. He would hit me all the time. Drag me across the room. For no good reason.

One night when I was 17, I was doing my homework in my room when I heard shouting. I sprinted down the stairs to find Dad screaming at Scarlett, who was cowered in the corner of the room clinging to her stuffed animal.


I screamed at the top of my lungs. I charged my tiny body into him and successfully pushed him enough to grab Scarlett and run back up the stairs to my room. She was crying so hard her whole little body was shaking.

"Shhh. You're ok, baby girl. I'm here. You're safe. No one will hurt you. Are you ok?" I asked her. She nodded her head still crying. I held my hand to the back of her head while she continued to stay buried in the crook of my neck. We were sitting on my bed and I rocked back and forth holding her tightly.

I would have killed him if he touched her. After I put finally put Scarlett to bed that night, I was almost at the door of my room when I felt a hand snatch my wrist and yank me down. I didn't scream because Scarlett would hear me. I knew damn right what was happening because it happened before many times. Tears starting steaming down my face as my father dragged me down the hall into his room. My butt burned across the carpet as I struggled to break free. He slammed the door before he slapped me across the face. Pain seared though me as I cupped my cheek.

I tried to defend myself and kick but he caught my leg and flipped me. My chest slammed down hard on the carpet. He stomped on my ankle. I paused for a minute. There was so much pain going through my body right now I couldn't think. All I knew was that I needed to protect Scarlett. That was my last thought before I passed out from the pain.

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