Chapter 27

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Hola amigos! Disfrutar!!! :) LOL

•Selena's POV•

I was lying on my back on the bench in the airport. I had my arm draped over my face to block out the lights while I waited for my flight to be called. The whole time, I was worried that they wouldn't let me on the plane because I was sick. Not only would I have wasted the money for the ticket, but I wouldn't see Justin or Scarlett for God knows how long.
My stomach was queazy from throwing up, and my head was throbbing. I controlled myself and hadn't had any food or drinks since the last time I threw up because the last thing I needed was to be throwing up on an airplane.
"Now boarding flight 918824, now boarding flight 824. Passengers, please gather your belongings and make your way towards the gate." I heard over the intercoms. I slowly flipped and rolled off the bench, somehow managing to land on my feet. A sudden wave of dizziness takes over my body and I braced myself by holding onto the bench. It felt like I was on a roller coaster that only goes up.

I grabbed my suitcase which felt like a thousand pounds with my state of health and managed to drag it towards the gate.

"Passport and boarding pass please." The flight attendant said in a monotone, clearly tired of repeating herself for every passenger. I dug around in my hoodie pocket and pulled out the papers, trying to look "not sick."
"Miss Gomez?" The attendant holds up my passport and compares it to my face, and I'm praying he doesn't think I'm sick. I probably look like shit. That's a lie, I know for a fact that I look like shit.
"Are you okay Miss Gomez? You seem disheveled." She questioned me.
"Yeah, I'm great! Just miss some people."
I said in an effort to sound normal, hoping the sweat on my brow didn't make me appear suspicious.
"Well then, I wouldn't want to keep you any longer. Have a safe flight." The flight attended smiled at me and handed back my paperwork and I let out of a breath I didn't even realize I was holding.
"Thank you." I muttered, scuttling towards the airplane.
I had bought a first class ticket, knowing that I'd never get through the flight without the fully reclinable seat. I shoved my suitcase up into the overhead container and plunked down into the seat, instantly falling asleep.
At some ungodly hour, I woke up with a jolt from turbulence. I felt the need to throw up but tried to make it go away.
"Just go back to sleep." I tried to make my body relax. Why did I even need to throw up? I thought my stomach was empty. I guess I was sadly mistaken and guessed that not eating didn't help to avoid throwing up.
"Nope. Can't do it." I rushed to the washroom, hoping the staff would just think that it's motion sickness. I heard once that you can get charged for being ill on a flight because you can contaminate the whole plane.
In the tiny cubicle of a bathroom, I fell to my knees and gagged over the toilet.
After I was finished, I stood up, flushed and washed my hands. I didn't have my toothbrush back here, because it was in the overhead compartment so I just rinsed my mouth. My whole body hurt and I was week with the shakes at the same time.
I somehow managed to get back to my seat and pulled the thin blanket over me and passed out.
I woke up from turbulence yet again (this pilot really needs to learn how to fly a plane) and reached for my phone, the brightness burning my eyes so I squinted.
I calculated how much longer I was on this stupid plane.
The flight was 6 hours, and I left at 8pm. It was currently 1:30 am, so I decided to stay up since even if I did magically manage to fall asleep it'd only be for 30 minutes.
I pulled the TV screen out of the seat and turned it on. After scrolling through the movies, I found Never Say Never.
"Justin..." I whispered to myself. I had actually never seen the movie before so I decided to save it until Justin and I could watch it together. I wanted the "actor commentary".
I settled on an old episode of Friends and laughing instantly made me feel better.
Before I knew it, we were preparing to land.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please prepare to land by fastening your seat belts, putting tray tables in an upright position and turning electronic devices off. Thank you for flying with us and enjoy your day."
"Okay. I can do this." I muttered to myself, squeezing my eyes shut and clenching onto the arms of the seat. I hated landing the most, and all the pressure would surely trigger my nausea, which wouldn't be good. Sure enough, the pressure made my head feel like it was going to explode and it made my stomach tie into a giant knot.
I hoped and prayed that I wouldn't have to send the airline company a cheque to replace the carpet in the aisle because I threw up on it.
After what seemed like forever, we landed.
I pulled my stuff out of the overhead containers and hurried off the plane and straight to the bathroom in the airport.
After I swung my bags in a random direction, not caring where they went, I hurried into a stall and threw up yet again.
"What the hell got me so sick?!" I said just above a whisper. It wasn't until then that it clicked.
"Carin was sick on the traveling days!" I slapped myself on the forehead, mentally scolding myself for not being more careful around her. I didn't have the best immune system so I get sick very often.
It took a lot of effort, but I finally left the stall, found my bags after washing my hands and hurried to the front entrance of the airport.
I hailed a taxi quickly and got in, thankful that I'd soon be in a real bed.
"Address please." The driver asked.
"Ummm the Ace hotel please." I mumbled, barely remembering the name of the place.
"Ohhh fancy." The driver exclaimed.
Before I knew it, we had arrived.
"Thank you, have a nice day." I handed him a stack of bills, roughly the amount I owed. I was too tired to count it out.
I dragged my aching body up to the floor and lazily shoved the key card into the door handle. With barely enough energy to even stand, I quickly grabbed a comforter and pillow from the closet and flopped onto the couch, burying under the warm blanket. As much as I wanted to crawl into bed with Justin, I couldn't get him sick.
Before I knew it, I fell asleep. I finally made it back.

•Justin's POV•

I woke up to the sun streaming through the curtains. As I stretched, I noticed something in the living room since my bedroom door was open. It was luggage.
"Who could that be?" I asked myself, knowing that Demi and Selena were in Texas until Wednesday.
I got out of bed and waddled into the living room, still half asleep.
Someone was lying on the couch with a comforter on top of them, hiding their identity. At first I didn't know who it was, and it startled me but then I saw a hot pink polka dotted sock poking out from under the comforter. That sock could only belong to one person. Selena. But why was she already back?
"Selena?" I whispered, tip toeing towards the couch. I gently pulled the comforter away to reveal her dark hair.
She moved around before fully waking up.
"Justin?" Selena whispered, rubbing her eyes to focus them.
"Hi gorgeous." I smiled, extremely happy that she was back. Selena blushed at what I called her and I chuckled to myself. She was adorable.
"Why are you here? I thought you were staying in Texas for a few days." I questioned my girlfriend.
"I got sick. Pretty sure it's the same thing Carin had. I came home alone. I feel like shit." Selena mumbled.
I rushed over to her to hold her but she held out her arms.
"Not so fast Bieber! If you get sick before your tour, Scooter will straight up murder me and I'm pretty sure you don't want that to happen." Selena warned me. I gave her the puppy eyes but it didn't convince her.
"Fineeeee" I whined. "I'm sending you a virtual hug and kiss." I gave her a cheesy smile.
"I'm going to get mom to look after you. She'll know what to do." I proudly marched away.
"Justin! No! I don't want to inconvenience her." I explained to Justin.
"Please, she'd have a ball. She's a mom, she loves taking people under her wing." I sweetly said. Selena nodded, too weak to argue any further.

I've run out of question ideas...
Comment some SPECIFIC feedback instead please! BE HONEST I DON'T MIND. Till next time lovelies ✌️

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