Chapter 14

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Selena's POV

By the time we woke up, it was 5 in the afternoon. Ryan was right about sleeping better on a bus. I stretched and went to the bunk hall to see if anyone else was awake.

They were all awake and in the living room. I strolled out and they greeted me. I dug through the fridge until I found the bag of shredded cheese and grabbed the loaf of bread. I warmed up the stove and began to make grilled cheese.

"Anybody want grilled cheese?" I called out. "Me please Selly!" Scarlett said without taking her eyes of off Demi's phone. She was watching cartoons while Demi and Ryan occupied the TV. They were still trying to see who was the better gamer. "Ryan? Demi? Fredo?"

"No thanks." They all said in the same zombie like tone. I guess they were too interested with the video game match. I was convinced Demi turned into a boy overnight.

"Scarlett? Could you please go wake up Justin?" I said as I flipped my sandwich before I added Scarlett's to the pan.

"No!!! Allow me Selena! I'd be glad to." Ryan said as he ran off to our room with an evil grin. I wondered why he jumped up so quickly so I watched. I could see right through since the doors were open. Ryan stood over Justin and swung a pillow down on his head. I laughed so hard I almost dropped the pan.

"You little!" I heard Justin growl as he chased Ryan down the hall. Ryan came barreling out of the bunk hall screaming like a little girl. He ran over to Scarlett and picked her up and held her like a shield.

"Ha! You can't touch me because I'm holding a child. Besides! It was only fair since you did the same thing to me last night!" Ryan said as he poked his tongue out at Justin.

"You can't hold her forever!" Justin threatened him. He came over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me.

"What's cooking, good looking?" He whispered in my ear.

"Grilled cheese. Want one?" I said as I embraced his warmth.

"Yes please." He kissed my cheek before he went to sit down on the couch. I put Justin's sandwich in the pan as I finished mine and Scarlett's. "Scar your sandwich is ready." I said as I flipped it onto a plate. "Ryan let me down!" Scarlett giggled. I turned around and saw that Ryan was still holding Scarlett even though Justin was playing on his phone. "Fine. But if Justin punches my brains out, it's on you squirt."

"No. It's on you because you're the one who hit him!" Scarlett laughed

as she took her sandwhich.

"But he hit me first!" Ryan whined like an eight year old.

"Two wrongs don't make a right Ryan." Scarlett informed him. We all laughed because she was acting more mature then Ryan.

"Thank you Selly!" She kissed me on the cheek. She bounced off to the couch. "Table." I reminded her with my back turned.

"But Justy eats on the couch."

Scarlett whined.

"Yeah but it's also Justin's bus so table." I said as I turned around and motioned with the spatula. She obeyed and sat down at the table across from Ryan.

"Justin. Your grilled cheese is ready." I held it out to him and he took it and kissed me on the cheek.

"Thanks babe." He walked off to sit beside Scarlett at the table. I took mine and sat beside Ryan and across from Justin.

"What do you guys want to do tonight?" Justin said.

"Can we stop and skateboard?" I asked Justin.

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