Chapter 20

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I just wanted I say, I freaked when I saw I passed 500 reads! Thank you guys sooo much! I remember when I got 10 reads and was so excited.

Now, this chapter really gets the plot rolling so enjoy!!!

*It's Demi's step dad that passed away so let's pretend he was really close to Demi even if he isn't in real life. Having him pass away makes Demi remember her bio dad never being there for her*

Again, I have no idea what goes on behind closed doors and in their private lives. This is intended to be 100% fictional. Original idea. Wouldn't dare steal.

Demi's POV

"Demi. It's dad. He's gone." My sister cried into the phone. I felt my blood run cold. No, this can't be happening.

"Madison? Talk to me babe. What happened? Why is he gone?" I asked my sister. I should have never left home and moved to LA to go to college. I should have at least went back home since it was our Summer break!

"Demi. Daddy's dead. He had a stroke." Madison cried.

"Madison, calm down. I'm coming home. Hang tight, ok sweetie? I love you." I told my sister.

"Really? I miss you so much Demi." Madison told me.

"I miss you too. I'll be home in soon."

"Ok. See you soon." Madison seemed to be calming down.

I hung up, and started to sob. Luckily I was standing right by the door, so I ran. Fast and far down the streets of New York City.

Ryan's POV

Justin and I waved good bye to another Belieber. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Demi at the side and she was sobbing. What happened?! All of a sudden, she ran out of the store.

"JB, I gotta go. Something's up with Demi." I quickly told Justin.

"Sure, man. Do whatever it takes."

He said.

"Thanks bro. You're the best." I said before carefully leaving the store before the Beliebers saw me ditch.

I walked down the street as I called Demi's cell phone. No answer.

"Shit." I muttered under my breath. After catching a cab back to the hotel, I went up to her room guessing that's where she was.

Without knocking, I just walked in and found her violently throwing clothes into her suitcase while she cried. "Demi?" I said quitely. She looked up at me, her face stained with tears. "What's going on?

She continued to throw things into her suitcase.

"Why are you packing?" I grabbed her wrists and looked at her in the eyes.

"Ryan. I have to go home. Something happened with my family, and I just need to be there for them." Demi sobbed as she collapsed into my arms.

"Shhhhh. Calm down. You're ok."

I tried to sooth her.

"Ryan. He's gone. He just left my little sister. He just died, and now she has to live without a dad." Demi just poured everything out.

"Demi. It's ok. You guys are going to get through this. You're incredibly strong." I whispered into her hair.

"Ryan I have to finish packing.

My sister thinks I'm coming home." Demi croaked, starting to get up. Her voice was funny because she was crying so much.

"Ok babe. Want me to wait here?" I asked her. Demi nodded her head.

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