Chapter 36

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Justin's POV•

"Selena... wake up." I gently nudged Selena and tried to wake her up.
"Noooooo, five more minutes!!!" She groaned and I laughed.
"Babe, we have to go now. Scooter's orders. C'mon." I tried to wake her up again but she shook her head and buried herself deeper into the covers.
"Selena." I whined and she groaned before reaching for her phone and checked the time.
"Justin. Please tell me my phone is wrong with what time it is." She said and I nervously chuckled.
"Sorry?" I squeaked.
"I'm gonna kick Scooter's ass for making us get up at 4 in the morning." She grumbled before kicking the covers off and heading to the washroom.

Selena's POV•

It took me 10 minutes to brush my teeth, wash my face and put my glasses on. I wasn't even going to bother with makeup and contacts this morning. I emerged from the bathroom looking somewhat put together.
After I fished around in my suitcase for a clean pair of yoga pants, I turned to Justin.
"Do you have a hoodie I can have?" I asked and he nodded. He threw me a purple one and I smiled before pulling it over my head.
"You look cute with glasses." Justin walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist before kissing my nose.
"I'm glad someone thinks that because I don't." I chuckled as I hugged Justin and held him close.
"You're beautiful. Don't ever forget that." He kissed the top of my head.
"Let's go. We're gonna be late." Justin pulled my hand towards the door and we left. We walked hand in hand out of the elevator. Luckily the hotel had really good security and a really big gate so papz weren't even allowed on the property.
Justin and I walked towards the door to the parking garage and as we passed the little breakfast nook I smelled caffeine.
"Oooh!! Coffee! Justin wait!" I harshly pulled him towards the coffee maker and he groaned.
"Selena, Scooter is going to kick our asses if we're late." He complained as I grabbed a coffee pod and snapped it into the Keurig machine.
"Relax, this will only take a second. Besides, you two should be happy I'm getting coffee because you would not want to see me without it." I chuckled, knowing my habit of being crabby without caffeine.
I quickly made my coffee and carried it in the cute little to-go cup as we hurried towards the parking garage.
Kenny had pulled a black van up near the door. We climbed in the back and was driven towards the arena.
"Good morning!" Kenny cheerfully exclaimed as he looked at us in his rear view mirror.
"You're awfully hyper for such an ungodly hour." I muttered before I pulled my hood up and lay my head in Justin's lap. The arena was about 15 mins away so I had time for some sleep.

Justin's POV•

We got to the arena and I literally had to carry Selena into the building since she was still asleep.
"Justin? I know you love Selena but she has legs that are fully capable of movement." Scooter chuckled from up on stage as he saw me carry Selena in. Kenny followed behind me as he carried her coffee cup.
"Let's just say she isn't a morning person." I said before I lay her down in the front row across some seats.
"Why did Scooter think it was acceptable to wake up at 4:30?!"
Selena complained.
"Because tour." Scooter said like it was obvious.
"Okay!! We have a lot of work to be done today. I want the choreography of As Long As You Love Me down smoothly by noon. We need to start working on the choreography for Beauty & a Beat. Don't forget tonight is the meeting to finalize dates so if you'd like to have some input feel free to sit in. Okay people! Let's get to work!!!" Scooter cheerfully explained through his headset.
"I'll be right here sleeping if anyone needs me." Selena said as she pulled her hood over her head.
"You really think you'll be able to sleep with all the music?" I asked her.
"Watch me." Selena mumbled and I chuckled to myself.

•Selena's POV•

Sleeping through the music actually wasn't as hard as Justin said it would be since I listened to his music when I was sick. It was comforting. Just as I was about to fall asleep I remembered something important and popped my head up. Justin was going over the choreography without the music so I yelled to get his attention.
"Jay!" I yelled but he didn't hear me at first. "JAY!!!" I yelled even louder and this time he snapped out of his trance and looked my way.
"Yeah?" He said we he pulled one of his in-ear monitors from his ear.
"I have an important question for you." I said as I sat up and gave up on sleep.
"What's that?" Justin asked before he took a long swig from his water bottle.
"Where's my sister?" I chuckled.
"Oh, yeah. The littles are in Scoot's room still sleeping and Carin is watching them. She doesn't feel well so she's taking it easy today." Justin said as he readjusted his in ear receiver on his belt.
"Is Carin okay? She hasn't been feeling well a lot lately." I said concerned.
"Yeah, she's fine. She just gets bad stomach aches a lot." Scooter spoke up.
"Aww, I hope she feels better soon." I said before Justin replied.
"Yeah, she's fine. Mama Jan and my mom take great care of her." Justin said as he adjusted his ear piece again.

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