Chapter 9

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Pay attention! I started switching the points of view. And beware. Things get PG-13. Nothing too bad though.

Thanks for reading!!!!

Justin's POV

Selena is adorable. I can't get enough of her. I want to call her mine one day. I missed her so much when I moved away so I'm so glad I found her. She quickly dropped Scarlett off. While she went into the house, I sprinted around the car and got into the drivers seat.

"Hey cutie." I grinned as she came back to the car. "I missed you."

Sel giggled and I almost fainted. It was like angels singing. "I was only gone for a few minutes." She said as she slid back into the truck.

Selena's POV

"Really? It felt like hours." He said as he leaned in to kiss me. This time on the lips. It felt like fireworks. I wanted the moment to slow down and last forever. After he pulled away he drove us to his hotel. We snuck up the back entrance so his crew wouldn't run into us. Justin unlocked the door and pulled me in. I kicked the door shut with my foot as we started to make out. I slid his arms around my waist and jumped up locking my ankles around his abs and his hands fell into place under my butt, supporting me. I felt a slight jolt of pain in my leg but ignored it. He pinned me against the wall as we continued. Swinging around, Justin dropped me on my back onto his bed and kissed for awile. He flopped down onto his side before we both gasped for air. Justin sat up and peeled off his hoodie and his jeans before he flung them onto the floor. He padded into the bathroom wearing nothing but his boxers. I heard the shower running not too long after. I sat up and peeled my hoodie off and plucked Justin's off the floor, slipping it over my head. I needed some other pants though because I left my bags at Demi's. I wandered around looking for Justin's suitcase. He had to have one. I finally found it tucked neatly under the bed. I fished some boxers out and pulled them on over my underpants after tugging my sweatpants off and acting like the boxers were shorts. Justin came out of the steaming bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He looked at me and just smirked.

"What?" I said innocently as I came over to him and ran my fingers through his damp hair, spiking it up. He hung his arms around my waist.

"I forgot my bags with Scarlett remember?"

"I think you look adorable in my clothes." He laughed kissing my forehead. He went over to the still open suitcase and dug through it fishing out a pair of boxers and sweat pants. I turned as he got changed. He climbed into bed wearing only the sweatpants. I stared at his abs. I peeled the covers back and climbed in snuggling up close to Justin. We both fell asleep pretty quickly.

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