Chapter 7

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So exciting! Justin gets introduced in this chapter. Ooh la la! Lol :-p

I let Scarlett sit on my lap until we had to take off. I would have kept her there the whole flight but the flight attendant made me put her down. I placed her in the window seat to my left. Then when I turned back after securing her in her seat, someone plopped down in the seat to my right. He had sandy brown hair, big brown eyes and was dressed in a purple hoodie, black skinny jeans topped off with purple supras. Then it me. It was Justin Bieber. He got famous off YouTube when he was 12 and moved out to Atlanta. He was in my class back in grade school. We were best friends. He's probably too rich and famous now to remember a nobody like me. I could try though.

"Hi. I'm Selena. What's your name?" I politely said to him.

"I'm Justin. Selena eh? Sure sounds familiar..... Were you in my grade school class by any chance?"

Oh. My. God. Dead on. How could he remember?

"Actually I was kinda hoping you would remember me. I knew from the minute you sat down we were best friends back in grade school. Just didn't think you'd remember me though."

"How could I not remember such a pretty face like you? To tell you the truth I had a big crush on you." He blushed.

"Did you really? Wow. I'm probably going to sound crazy but I felt the same way. I was just too shy to admit it."

"Give me your phone." Justin said to me.

"Because.....?" I questioned.

"So I can reach you. I don't want to lose you again." He grinned at me.

My heart melted as I slipped my phone out of my jeans pocket.

"What about yours?" I asked him suspiciously.

"Of course. He smiled and plucked my phone out of my hands and replaced it with his. We both had iPhones so it was pretty easy to exchange phone numbers. I took a selfie for my contact picture before giving Justin back his phone.

"Good idea. But I want a picture of the two of us for my contact picture. Lean in." I leaned in to pose for the picture and he pressed his soft lips to my cheek. I blushed while he took the picture. We both grinned after we pulled away. I don't know what got into me but I just knew I needed him. Not because he is THE Justin Bieber but because we only talked for five minutes after six years without knowing each other and he made my heart melt. I missed him when I he moved out to Atlanta.

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