Chapter 15

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Exciting chapter loves! You're going to want to read it. ;)

Selena's POV

I woke up in Justin's arms. After squirming out of them, I got up without waking him up and went to wake Demi up. To my surprise, her curtain was drawn.

"Demi?" I pulled the curtain back and saw Ryan's back. I gasped.

"Oh hey Selena." Ryan blushed.

"Hey Ryan. Quick question. Is Demi in there somewhere or did you guys magically switch beds in the middle of the night?" I said as I made sure Justin wasn't up yet. He would have a field day teasing Ryan if he saw them right now.

Demi's head popped up over Ryan.

"Hey Sel... I know this looks bad but I can explain. Ryan was scared last night and convinced me to share my bunk." Demi said as she looked at Ryan lovingly.

"Awww that's sweet. I'm totally cool with it, but you know who will think it's funny? Justin. Now get down before he wakes up." I hissed at them. "Oh yeah! It's time to wake Justin up. He has a date with my pillow." Ryan jumped down holding his pillow and before I could stop him, he ran off to hit Justin with it.

I decided to wake Fredo before Ryan could make his other ear deaf. "Fredo." I said as I nudged him awake.

"Who? What? What time is it?" He said as he quickly sat up.

"8:30am. It's Selena. I wanted to save your other ear from Ryan."

I explained as I watched the pillow hit Justin's head causing Demi to erupt in laughter.

"Oh thanks Sel." Fredo got out of bed and walked off to the bathroom.

"Ryan!" I heard Justin yell as he chased a screaming Ryan down the hall. I jumped into Fredo's bunk to avoid getting run over by them.

Demi and I watched them from the doorway of the bunk hall.

Ryan was on top of one of the couches and Justin was in front of him. If Ryan moved to the left, Justin moved to the right. They mirrored each other back and forth.

"Hahahaha! Scarlett's not here to protect you. Whatcha gonna do Ry?" Justin said with a wicked grin on his face.

"Selena... Demi.... Fredo..." Ryan whined out of fear.

"Sorry Dude. We're not helping. Well at least I'm not." Fredo said as he went to brush his teeth.

"Selena...Demi... you lovely girls will help me right?" Ryan said nervously as Justin kept mirroring him.

I put my finger up to my lips to tell Ryan to be quiet. Since Justin was staring at Ryan, he didn't notice me creep behind him. I jumped on Justin's back and covered his eyes.

"RYAN RUN!" I said.

"Selena! It's a bus! Where am I going to go?!?!" He shrieked.

"Anywhere! Just go!!" I said as Justin started to pry my hands off his eyes. Ryan just stood there.

"Oh for pete's sake!!!!" Demi said as she jumped up on the couch, grabbed Ryan's hand and ran down the hall into our room. I heard the click of the lock.

"Selena!" Justin laughed.

"Hi." I said sweetly as I kissed his cheek. "Hi. Do you mind getting down so I can teach Ryan a lesson?" Justin said.

"Well. Even if I did get down, which I won't, Ryan and Demi locked the door of our room so you can't get him anyway." I informed him.

"Well he can't stay in there forever."

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