Chapter 17

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Ya'll probably hate me for not posting for so long. I've just been super busy with school (exams are in a month) and I was sick this week.

But don't fret! I have a little chapter for you lovely readers. ;)

Erin got off their bus alone, wearing one of Jeremy's hoodies. I guess I wasn't the only one who wore their guys's clothes. "Hey. The kids are asleep in their bunks so Jeremy and I are just going to sleep in the bus." Erin rubbed her eyes.

"No. I'm not letting you guys sleep in a garage. It's a lot safer and nicer upstairs." Justin protested.

"Justin. The kids are asleep. We can't move them now. They sleep like rocks!" Erin laughed.

"We'll take them." I offered. The hotel staff had left us with a baggage cart for each bus since we were in this hotel for a couple days. I put my pillow and bag on our cart.

"Fredo can take Jaxon, Justin can take Jazzy and I'll take Scarlett." I explained. I spun around on my heel to look at Ryan and Demi.

"And you two can deal with our luggage." I said sweetly knowing they wouldn't like their job. They groaned in protest. "Are you guys sure? We're fine with sleeping on the bus." Erin assured us. "Positive. It's safer and nicer upstairs." I repeated what Justin said. I totally agreed with him.

"Ok. But if they drool on you it's not my fault." Erin put her hands up in surrender as she turned back towards the bus.

Justin's POV

Selena and I followed Erin up the steps of the bus. Dad was sitting on the couch and had a pouting Jazzy in his lap. "Awww, baby girl. What's wrong?" Erin cooed as she walked over to them and stroked her daughter's hair. "Had a bad dweam." She said before she buried her face into Dad's hoodie. "Want to go upstairs? Bieber will carry you. You can sleep in a proper bed." Erin kissed Jazzy's head. She nodded with her head still buried in Dad's shirt. That was my queue to take her. I eased her out of Dad's arms and she rested her head on my shoulder with her face in the crook of my neck and I felt her little arms around it. I kissed her head. Selena and Fredo went down the bunk hall and came back with Jaxon and Scarlett, who were fast asleep. We waited outside for everyone before we made our way over to the elevators. Everyone else had already gone up with the bags so it was just me, Selena, Fredo, the kids, Erin and Dad.

We got up to the floor we had rented out. "Where are they sleeping?" I whispered to Dad.

"There's a king bed in a separate room in our suite. Let's put all three in there. We can sort out rooms in the morning. You and Selena take a room then Demi gets her own and Fredo and Ryan can share." Dad whispered.

"Ok." With that, we waddled down the hall.

Selena's POV

I put Scarlett beside Jazzy in the king bed. Jaxon was on the other side of Jazzy and they were still fast asleep. I kissed her forehead and eased the door shut. Justin was waiting for me. He scooped me up bridal style suddenly and I had to bite my tongue so I wouldn't squeal out of excitement. He tiptoed out of his parents suite. Justin came to a door down the hallway. I opened it and we went up a flight of stairs.

"Where in the world are we going?" I laughed. Justin was always up to no good. "You'll see." He grinned. I knew that whenever that grin came around it meant trouble. I leaned into his chest since he was still carrying me and listened to his heart beat. At the top of the stairs, there was a metal door. I opened it since Justin had his arms full. We were on the roof of the hotel.

"Justin, it's beautiful!" I said. We could see right to Times Square.

"You're beautiful." He whispered to me. I turned to look at him. I pulled his face towards mine and kissed his lips softly.

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