Chapter 19

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Hello darlings! Did you miss me? Lol

So excited for this chapter. Things will speed up after it so get ready ;)

Selena's POV

Before I had gone to bed last night, I set my alarm to vibrate in the morning so I could get up before the boys. Well, specifically Fredo because I already knew that Justin was the heaviest sleeper on the planet. When it went off, I tiptoed out of the room and down the hall to Demi's room. I swung the door open and saw Demi and Ryan in her bed. After debating whether or not to spoil the cute moment, I decided I had to. Fredo and Justin would wonder why Ryan was missing and Demi said they wanted to keep the relationship private for a while.

I walked over to the bed and pinched Ryan's noise closed.

He snorted and woke up.

"Good morning to you too." He sneered at me before pulling the covers over his head.

"Ryan. Get up. People will know about Remi if you don't get out in about 3 seconds." I told him.

"Noooo." Ryan whined. Demi was fast asleep.

"Ryan. Now. I will pour water on you." I threatened, with my arms crossed and a devious grin on my face.

"Damn it. Now I have to get up because I know you will." Ryan grumbled as he crawled out from under the sheets.

"Now let's go before anyone sees." I said as I pulled the door open.

I turned left to go back to my room, and ran right...into...Justin.

His eyes were huge in a shocked expression.

"Damn it." Ryan hissed.

"You, him, what, huh?!?!" Justin stuttered.

"Justin! It's not what you think." I stammered.

"Are you and Ryan?" Justin said as he looked between us.

"No!" I yelled, hurt that Justin would think I would cheat on him.

I turned around and stared at Ryan.

"Tell him. Please." I mouthed, on the verge of tears. I needed Justin to know so he didn't think Ryan and I were dating. He slightly nodded, indicating he knew what I said.

"Demi and I are dating." Ryan's deep voice came from behind me after I turned back to Justin.

I stared at the ground, concentrating on the pattern of the carpet while I waited for Justin's reaction.

"How long have you" Justin asked, testing out the word for the first time with Ryan and Demi.

"Since we locked ourselves in your room on the bus. I kissed her after she said she likes me." Ryan explained. I slowly looked up to see Justin's face with no expression.

"Sel? How long have you known?" Justin asked me.

"Demi told me after it." I stammered. Justin hadn't shown a true reaction yet.

"Justin I'm sorry. I didn't tell you, because they wanted to keep it a secret for awhile." I stepped towards him and hugged my boyfriend. His strong arms wrapped around me.

"You don't need to apologize. You did the right thing." He kissed the top of my head. "Ryan? I'm ok with you two dating. Just promise me that you'll take care of Demi. I've known her since 5th grade and don't want to see her getting hurt. She's also my girlfriend's best friend so I don't need Sel getting hurt because her best friend is hurt." Justin chuckled. I looked up at him and smiled, still wrapped in his arms.

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