Chapter 41

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•Justin's POV•

After Carin's huge announcement, we all got to work. My mom, Erin, Allison and Mama Jan all dragged Carin off for some kind of girls day. Dad took the kids to an indoor place place so they wouldn't be in our way while we got down to work. Selena and Fredo camped out in the front row again. Those seats had become their regular spot. Scrappy handed me my receiver and in-ear monitors and I clipped it to my sweats then shoved the plastic pieces into my ears.
"Let's run Beauty and a Beat from the top!" I yelled, feeling like I was in a fishbowl since I had my in ears in. The intro started and I lost myself in the music.

•Selena's POV•

The whole time Justin had been performing, a million thoughts raced through my head, varying from our relationship, my father, Scarlett's well being, and Carin's pregnancy. I was so deep in thought, that I didn't even realize that Scooter was trying to get my attention.

"Selena?" I snapped out of my trance and looked up. Scooter's expression was worrisome so I guessed he knew what thoughts occupied my mind.

"Can we talk? I want to wrap my head around this whole. . . " Scooter hesitated before he found an appropriate word. "situation.' Scooter settled on and I nodded before I stood.

"C'mon. Let's go to Justin's dressing room. It's much quieter there." Scooter chuckled and I laughed. I followed him down the winding hallways and through endless doors before I settled into a couch. Scooter sat across from me in an arm chair and smiled, an obvious attempt to try to calm me down.

"So, I wanted to discuss this when it was just us and we were both fully awake." Scooter chuckled and I weakly smiled at his humour.

"Can you explain it again? What would happen if he showed up here one day?" Scooter sat back and relaxed into the cushion of his chair.

"Well, when my mom passed away, she listed me as Scarlett's legal guardian if anything were to happen to both of my parents." I started, fighting the tears that tried to burst.

"But that only applied after I turned 18, which I haven't yet." I explained and Scooter nodded, indicating he was fully focused on our conversation.

"The reason I ran, is because if Child Services knew about our situation, they would've taken Scarlett and put her into foster care, and I would've probably ended up on the streets since no one wants a teenager." Tears fought to flood my eyes but I took a deep breath and continued.

"I know, it was a stupid and risky move to make, to run that night, but I didn't have a choice. I couldn't make Scarlett live through one more day of that torture. My father would get drunk, then yell and scream at her for no reason, then if I tried to sooth and comfort her, he would beat me until I couldn't move. Scarlett saw my pain everyday and blamed herself for it." The waterworks began to flow.

"If my father were to show up here, he could reclaim her and we'd be right back in that house until we turned 18." I said quietly, and Scooter nodded.

"So, how would it work if you turned 18 before your dad found you?" Scooter wondered.

"Since I'm listed as her God mother, I could go to a judge, plead my case and tell him about our situation and he'd grant me full custody of Scarlett and probably issue a restraining order on my father or even send him to jail." I explained and Scooter nodded.

"Selena, I promise you that no matter what happens, I will do everything in my power to protect you and Scarlett." Scooter said and I nodded, letting tears stream down my face.
"You'll never know how much that means to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart." I smiled then quietly laughed.
"You're very welcome." Scooter got up and headed for the door before he turned to look at me.
"Coming?" He asked me and I shook my head.
"I think I'm just going to camp out in here for a bit. It's nice and quiet so I can let my thoughts process." I said and Scooter nodded.
"Well, take as much time as you need. You know where to find us if you need us." Scooter said before he left the room.
I settled back into the couch and aggressively rubbed my eyes.
"Why can't my life be simple." I complained. Hundreds of thoughts and scenarios played out in my head until I felt my eyes droop.
I pulled my hood up and lay down on the couch, pulling my legs up and under me. Sleep put my mind at ease.

•Justin's POV•

Scrappy was showing me how to disappear under the stage so I could go to the top of it and then raise behind a drum set.
"Okay, as soon as you do that turn, you're going to come forward a little bit and jump right down into here." Scrappy pointed to a square on the stage that was about the width of my shoulders that was outlined with tape.
"There'll be two crew members holding a giant mattress so you have a soft landing." Scrappy instructed and I nodded. Scrappy stomped his foot twice and the crew members under the stage opened the trap door.
"Jump down and I'll come down and show you where to go afterwards." Scrappy said as he waved me towards the hole as he left the stage.
"Where are you going?" I asked him before I jumped.
"JB, I'm not as nimble and fit as you are. I'm going the long way because I'm not jumping." He chuckled.
I laughed at him before I jumped down and landed softly. As I waited for Scrappy to come and meet me, I wondered what Selena was doing.
"Okay. You're going to come all the way back here." Scrappy popped out of nowhere and snapped me out of my daze. I jogged to where he was standing.
"Then sit in this wheelchair and a crew member will run you down to the other side." Scrappy instructed and I looked to where the drums were. They gleamed in the low lighting and I smiled, itching to play them.
"Sit. I'll push you down there then we'll set you up to practice the drumming." Scrappy instructed. I sat in the chair and instantly felt Scrappy forcefully push me down towards the drums.
We got to the end and I hoisted myself out of the chair and plunked down onto the stool behind the drums.
"Okay. I'm going to test the riser now. Just stay there okay?" Scrappy instructed and I nodded. He wandered off to push a button and I felt myself lurch as the floor beneath me rose, and I quickly saw the empty crowd again.
"Hey little buddy." Dan was standing beside me when I got the top of the riser. We started to work on a drum solo and before I knew it hours had past.

Scooter's POV

"Okay! Good work this morning everyone! It's time to go get food and relax. Be back in two and a half hours." I announced through my microphone. Everyone nodded in agreement.

Justin's POV

After Scooter let us go for break, Alfredo ran out to go and grab a bunch of pizzas. I went searching for my girlfriend because I hadn't seen her in a while and I missed her.
"Sel? Are you in here beautiful?" I gently knocked on my dressing room door as I entered. As I entered the room, I found Selena fast asleep on the couch. I gently shook her awake and she opened her beautiful eyes and smiled. God, I love this woman. Her smile lights up my world.
"Hi babe. I missed you." She pulled me in for a kiss and I savoured the moment. Things got heated and I felt Selena pull me down and we both lay down on the couch. After a few minutes of our lips passionately moving with each other, my arms started to give out from keeping my weight off of Sel so I flipped us over.
I slipped my fingers up Selena's hoodie, letting my fingertips dance across her skin but making sure not to get too far.
"Justin..." she giggled, as she pulled her hoodie down. I instantly pulled my hands back, careful not to cross any barriers.
"What? You're beautiful. Don't be insecure baby, I love you. You're absolutely gorgeous." I pecked her lips and she smiled again.
"You give me confidence that no one has ever given me. I love you Jay..." Selena smiled at me, as she sat up and ran her fingers through my hair.
"I love you Sel."

Before I knew it, I heard Fredo yell
And Selena and I wandered back to the stage area to eat.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2016 ⏰

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