Chapter 35

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Selena's POV

"Hands up! Let's go! As long as you la la la la la la la love me... as long as you love me" Justin sung out. He was all sweaty from dancing all day and he looked really sexy.

"Sel! How was that? Did that look good?" Justin smirked, knowing my review wouldn't be anything less than five stars.

"I don't know, there's room for improvement." I teased and Justin laughed.

"I can't wait until you guys get the rap down. I love it." I exclaimed.

"Why don't you get up here and do the rap? My DJ isn't here until next week." Justin challenged me and I blushed.

"Are you crazy?! There's no way I'm doing the rap right now!" I hid my red face behind my hands and laughed. Justin was such a tease.

"Cmon, I've heard you rap it when you listen to my music." Justin challenged me.

"No means no." I tried to act stern but instead ended up laughing again.

"Ok fine, but at least come up here on stage. You look so lonely down there!" Justin gave me the puppy dog pout and looked at me in my front row seat.

"Fine. But no pulling any funny business." I warned Justin even though I knew he wouldn't listen.

"Promise. No funny business." Justin nodded before he pulled me up on stage from the front row.

"Wow! It's so cool up here!" I exclaimed and Justin laughed.

"Dance with me." Justin said softly as he held out his hand and I blushed.
I walked over to him and put one hand on his shoulder and he took the other hand in his. We started to twirl around and dance as Dan played a sweet melody on his guitar. Justin spun me around and then dipped me and I laughed. He pulled me up and into a hug then kissed me on the forehead. I buried my nose into the crook of his neck as he rocked us back and forth.
Justin put his hand over his mic before he whispered "I love you Sel. So much."
and I looked up at him before I replied.
"I love you too Justin. A lot." I smiled before we connected our lips in a soft kiss.

"Get a room." Fredo jokingly yelled and I buried my face into Justin's chest in embarrassment. He wrapped his arms tighter around me.

"Fredo I'm about to kick your ass. Just because you don't have a girlfriend that you can hug and kiss doesn't mean I can't hug and kiss mine." Justin teased Fredo and stuck out his tongue.

"Whatever. Get back to work before Scooter kicks both of our asses for slacking." Fredo warned me and Selena laughed. She playfully nudged me.
"Go rehearse and do your thing." She walked over to the end of the runway and sat down to watch.

"Okay. Ready? 5,6,7,8." Justin said before the smooth intro started to As Long As You Love Me.

--later that night--

After a long day of rehearsals, Justin and I were finally in bed.
"Hey, tomorrow we finalize the tour dates. Wanna come to the meeting?"
Justin asked me as I pulled my long hair up into a messy bun.
"Sure?" I said confused, wondering why he would want me at the meeting so badly.
"I mean, we get to pick wherever we go so if there's a city you want to see, just tell us." Justin explained and I nodded.
"I mean, there's definitely a city I don't want to go anywhere near..."
I muttered and a look of concern washed over Justin's face.
"What city?" He asked and I turned my head and played with my hands to avoid eye contact.
"Sel? What city?" Justin asked.
"Um... there's actually two." I choked out, not wanting to cry.
"Sel, babe, talk to me. What's up?" Justin turned my chin towards him with his finger.
"Justin, I have no idea where my father is and honestly it scares the shit out of me. He could show up to any show and demand custody of Scarlett and I can't handle that." I sobbed out and Justin pulled me into his chest.
"Shhhh, it's okay. You're okay." Justin tried to sooth me.
"I thought you had custody? Isn't that what your mom's will said?" Justin tried to clarify the situation.
"I'm only her guardian if I'm 18 or my dad is dead." I explained.
"Which is neither." Justin breathed out and I cried even more.
"Justin, I could lose her. That abusive bastard could take her from me."
I sobbed.
"Shhh, that's not gonna happen. What would have to happen for you to get full custody?" Justin asked.
"My dad drop off the face of the planet..." I mumbled.
"Sel, I'm serious." My boyfriend asked me and I sniffled before I sat up.
"Either he'd have to die or sign custody abandonment papers."
"What are the chances of him signing the papers?" Justin asked and I laughed.
"None. Zero. Nada." I said.
"That sucks. Sel, we'll get through this, I promise. We won't go anywhere near Atlanta or Texas. I'd do anytime to keep you safe." Justin hugged me. What did I ever do to deserve him?
"But Justin, you have fans, or should I say Beliebers. They'd be heartbroken if you didn't come to their hometown." I pointed out.
"There's bordering cities we can go to. Trust me, hardcore Beliebers will travel to see the swag master." Justin said as he seductively shook his shoulders and hips. I laughed instantly. This boy was special if he could make me laugh in my worst moments.
"Jay, stop." I laughed even more.
"So did you like watching the rehearsals today?" Justin asked me and I enthusiastically nodded.
"They were fantastic." I smiled.
"What was your favourite part?" Justin gently pulled my hands towards him and played with my fingers.
"It wasn't exactly a specific moment, more like a feeling. When you're up on that stage, doing what you love, what your passion is, what you were born to do, I don't see Justin Bieber. I see Justin, the kid from Stratford who's all grown up and living his dream." I said, opening up to him and sharing my true feelings.
"Justin, when I watch you perform, I fall in love with you all over again." I blushed.
"AWWWW!" Justin exclaimed and teased me.
"It's not funny!" I laughed and playfully slapped him. He caught my hand and kissed it.
"I mean it. I think it's sweet. I love you Selena. More than you'll ever know." Justin looked deep into my eyes and I almost started to cry.
"I love you too Justin. You keep me safe and I can't thank you enough." I leaned in and he passionately kissed me as he gently cupped my face in his hands. Justin pulled away then pecked my nose.
"We should get some sleep. Big day tomorrow." Justin said and I nodded.
"What's tomorrow? More rehearsals?" I asked and he nodded.
"Yeah! And it's also the day you're gonna rap the bridge in As Long As You Love Me on stage." Justin deviously smirked and I playfully smacked his chest for the second time that night.
"No way." I laughed.
"You're funny. You think I won't get my way. Bieber always gets his way." Justin laughed.
"Well, Gomez is tired so can we go to sleep?" I yawned and Justin agreed.
We settled down in the covers and Justin pulled me into his body and cuddled me. His arm protectively wrapped around my waist and I knew I'd get a safe sleep that night.
"Goodnight Justin. I love you." I whispered.
"That's impossible. I love you more." Justin yawned before we both fell asleep.

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