Chapter 6

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I woke up in the exact same spot in the morning. I didn't move though. My father would have hit me more if I awoke with him in the room. I listened carefully as I heard the front door slam. That could only be him. I slowly and cautiously got up. My head was pounding with a headache, my cheek stung, my chest was heavy with pain and I couldn't put any weight on my right ankle. During the next few weeks, I tried to hide my ankle from everyone as best I could. It managed to heal without any medical attention. Every now and then though, since my ankle is weak, when ever I tripped or put too much pressure on it, pain would sear up my leg since it didn't heal properly. If anyone found out our father abused me, they would put Scarlett in foster care and I would lose her forever.

I promise the chapters will get longer! Just have to get into the swing of things. :)

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