Chapter 10

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I woke up to banging on the door. Uh oh. That can't be good. I shook Justin awake. He groaned before he realized what was going on.

"Shit. That's probably Scooter, my manager. Hide in the bathroom. I'll get rid of him." Justin mumbled as he slid out of bed after kissing my cheek. I jumped off the bed and hurried into the bathroom. As I was pulling back the curtain to the shower, I heard Justin open the door. I could hear their voices.

"What took you so long?!" Scooter laughed. "It's called sleep. You should try it instead of waking me up at 7 am!!!" Justin grumbled.

"Whatever. You have a radio interview in an hour then a recording session at noon. Don't be late." Scooter said before he walked off. I could hear Justin mimicking him. "Don't be late." He sneered as he slammed the door shut. Seconds later, the bathroom door flung open and he ripped the shower curtain back with a huge grin on his face. I was standing there holding my arm out leaning against the wall.

"Busy Bieber today eh?" I laughed. He wrapped his arms under my legs as he pulled me out of the shower. I wrapped my legs around his waist and hung my arms around his neck. "You think that's busy? Please. That's an easy day! There's been a lot more." Justin laughed as he reached up to connect our lips. He made it out of the bathroom and fell back onto the bed with my on top of him without breaking the kiss.

I was straddling his waist as he connected our lips again. We started getting into it before I remembered he had to be ready in an hour. "Go get ready Bieber. Don't want my new boyfriend's ass to get kicked by a grown man who alls himself "Scooter". I laughed as I climbed off of Justin. He groaned as he went digging through his suitcase. He settled on a classic white v-neck t-shirt, black skinny jeans that were half way down his ass and bright red Supras. As a finishing touch he perched a red SnapBack on his spiked up hair.

"Here." He said as he tossed me car keys.

"Use my truck for the day." He offered. "Won't your crew notice its missing?" I wondered.

"They'll be out all day. Besides, they wouldn't even notice if they lived in its parking space!" He laughed out.

He gave me a bear hug.

"I'll miss you Sel. I'll pick you up later and we can go to dinner."

"That sounds amazing. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

He kissed me on the lips then said bye. After he left, I changed out of his boxers and pulled my jeans back on. I kept the hoodie on though and found his purple Snapback on the couch and perched it backwards on my head. I made my way down the back entrance and found Justin's truck. Then I drove to Demi's house. I snuck in the front door since it was still pretty early. They must still be sleeping because the house was really quiet. I plopped down on the couch and fell asleep.

Justin's POV

I met Moshe and Kenny in the lobby of the hotel. There was already paparazzi surrounding the door. Wasn't that a safety concern? Nobody can get it or out. I felt really bad for causing all this commotion. Kenny went in front of me and Moshe went behind. When Kenny tried to open the door but it was too crowed to get out.

"HEY! GET OUT OF THE WAY!" He yelled as he slapped his palm on the glass door several times. We made our way out of the door with the help of some police.

I lowered my head and pulled the brim of my SnapBack down over my eyes. I slid my Ray Ban aviators on too. We left the safety of the hotel and tried to make our way to the van. Kenny kept his arms out and continued shouting "Get out of the way!!!" to the paparazzi. The usual questions got shouted at me. They mostly wanted to know who I'm dating. This amazing girl named Selena Gomez. I didn't answer though. I just dove into the van and Moshe slid the door shut for me and Kenny drove us to the interview. When we pulled up to the place I realized it was a radio station. I slid my phone out of my pocket and opened a text to Sel:

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