Bucky- The Muffin Man

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POV: You go to the same bakery every morning before work, and every day you see the mystery man who orders muffins. Today he talks

Word Count: 699 (I totally didn't delete a word to get that number)
Type: Cute I guess
Reader Pronouns: She/her

Your Outfit:

Your Outfit:

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You walked into the bakery, ringing the bell at the entrance as the door swung shut behind you. You released the collar on your jacket- which you were firmly holding up to your chin to protect against the harsh New York winter- and shook your head. You walked up to the counter and smiled at Louise. "Y/N, lovely to see you as always, your usual I assume?"
"Yeah, thanks Louise."

You smiled and handed her $5 as she busied herself making your order; a medium latte with caramel and whipped cream and a blueberry scone. "That man in the corner, he always comes in 5 minutes before you. Orders a bunch of muffins, like he's feeding an army."
"Why would I need to know that, Louise?"
"Because he hasn't taken his eyes off of you, every time you show up."
"Kinda creepy."
"He's attractive though, and it's been 2 years since Marcus. You should get out more. Take a chance."
"Last time I did, I got hurt."
"He never wanted to leave you, it was an accident. Plus, he would want you to be happy now. To move on, at least try."

You sighed and she handed you your order. Louise was like family at this point, she was well into her 70's but didn't look a day over 50. She reminded you of your mother; short with kind brown eyes with laugh lines at the corners, a sign of a life well lived. Marcus was her son, you two dated for a while but he passed in an accident 2 years ago. You had grown closer ever since.

You thanked Louise and sat down in the opposite corner of the man, who was still watching you. Louise was right, he was attractive. Brown hair, very muscular with sweet, blue eyes that looked like the ocean after a storm.

As soon as he realized you had seen him, he glanced down at his hands and you chuckled, taking a sip of your coffee and pulling out your phone. You had 30 minutes before you had to get to work, plenty of time to enjoy your coffee. Your work wasn't too far away, only about a 5 minute walk.

You had been lost in your thoughts when a voice pulled you out of them. "Is this seat taken?"
"Oh, no go ahead."

You looked up to see the man and wow, his eyes were even more beautiful up close. He smiled and sat down, muffin box in hand. "I'm Y/N. Y/N L/N."
"I'm James Barnes, but you can call me Bucky. Nice to finally meet you."
"You've had weeks."
"I've never had the confidence to talk to you before, how could I?"
"What do you mean?"
"You're just one of the prettiest girls I've ever met, and I've met a lot."

You smiled and he laughed, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Thank you, I'm flattered." You glanced at the box of muffins he placed on the table earlier. "What's with the muffins?"
"My friends and co-workers really like the muffins here. Usually we'd take turns but lately they've always seemed busy."
"Well that's not very nice, leaving you to get their food for them."
"No, it's alright. I need to get out more sometimes. Plus it's on the way to work."

You nodded and continued talking with him until you had to get going. "Crap, I've got to go or else I'm going to be late. Bye Bucky." You stood up and grabbed your bag off the chair next to you. "Wait, before you go, can I get your number?"
"Sure, here."

You quickly jotted down your phone number on a napkin and handed it to him, offering a smile and a wave before rushing out the door. As you walked by the window, you could see James typing away on his phone inside. A moment later you got a text;
Hey, it's Bucky. Obviously.

You smiled and held tucked your phone away, heading off to work. You had a big meeting today, but having his number and someone to text throughout the day would make it at least a little better.

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