Steve- My Queen, My Knight (Royal!AU; 6)

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This is a kinda cute one, just a lot of fluff because I needed to write fluff today.

Word Count: 1,718

Your outfit (I finally changed it):

Your outfit (I finally changed it):

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Steve's outfit:

Steve's outfit:

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"No, other way- still no- dear lord..."
"I'm doing exactly what you said!"
"Pietro, you're supposed to mirror him. If he goes left, you go right!"
"Ooooohhhhh... That makes sense as to why I suck at this..."

You chuckled softly as you sat on the large rock. The boys were practicing their swordsmanship in the freshly fallen snow while Wanda was inside, you assumed prepping dinner. Since you'd arrived, Wanda and Pietro had taken turns cooking. Any time you or Steve offered, they turned you down. A courtesy apparently, though you did feel a just a tad bit useless. After all, this was their home that you'd invaded.

They'd gone into the kingdom about a week after your arrival and gotten new bedding and mattresses, stealing a few carts and horses to transport them. The horses in question were now stashed behind the house in a makeshift stable, they'd since been affectionately named Buttercup and Bubbles. They'd come in handy when it was time to raid your fallen kingdom.

You watched as the boys parried, blocked, and jabbed at each other. You had a slight feeling they were both trying to impress you, but you had eyes only for Steve. You watched from across the grass as he effortlessly held off Pietro. He didn't even break a sweat. Pietro, however, appeared to have been thrown into the nearby river as he attempted to land even one strike before Steve could get his next.

Steve wasn't torturing him for no reason, no matter how much Pietro complained that he was. He knew that if the assassins infiltrated the palace so easily, they must have had the same or very similar training that Steve had. They'd had a layout of the place for sure. He was preparing him to hopefully win a battle if it comes down to it.

You'd also gotten pretty good with your skills, courtesy of Wanda. Throwing knives appeared to be your specialty, but you were good with other blades- such as daggers- as well. You'd gotten so good that the targets Wanda had set up for you were completely carved out in the middle, leaving angry gashes embedded deep in the trunk. It's a miracle you couldn't see through to the other side, though on a couple you were probably getting close to it.

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