Chapter 17

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Seth's POV
I decided to cut Rosie or what ever the fuck her name is out of my life until I figure out everything. The only thing I figured out is she's lying, I've thought over everything and I've just came to that conclusion. The part that kills me is how unanswered everything is, I hate uncertainty it kills me. She's call us but we've declined I want her bubbly present she lights up the whole room. But what if it was just a fucking lie, fuck man I can't. Ive been searching trying so desperately to come up with all the questions I have to ask her.

When ever I try to reason with it, it just feels like a desperate man making an excuse for someone he desperately loves. Loves? I hired a man to find more information on Rosie, he's found out more then me. Turns out she's Australian and Italian, she was born and raised in New Zealand. But that's it as for the Blackwood search, he leaves no trail or track I know him, he knows how to hide secrets. He's basically loyal at first sight but when you look away he will find a way to make your life hell. As for Eathan, he's doing a lot better then me. To be honest I don't even think he cares about it, he's more curious and concerned. Why wouldn't he be? I walk in on Eathan talking on the phone.

"Get me the file" He says yelling "I don't care if it has anything to do with Rosie I want it" He slams his fist on the table not noticing me. "I know her name isn't Rosie, just do it or else I'll have someone else kill you for me!" He hangs up the phone and sighs "you sound lovely" I say letting him know I'm in here, he smiles at me "just the basics, people not wanting to do it cause there scared" I know I say to myself "so anyways, what was that file on Rosie that you were talking about?" "It wasnt really on Rosie it was about blackwood, his family records, it may have information on Rosie in it" I nod understanding

"How are you" he cups my face with his hand I smile "I'm okay just stressed out you know how it is" He nods understanding "I'll see you in a little I gotta go get some stuff for later" "Okay I love u" He says as I leave

Rosie's POV
I order 5 drinks "1 for everyone" the bartender says looking at me. He gestures for me to come near him "your father said everything will be paid, but if you don't wanna look suspicious to order food then pay for it on your card and I'll say it covered everything okay Mrs.Salvador" I nod "thank you, Cole" "Anytime little Rosie"

About an hour later and I'm absolutely wasted I'm grinding on strangers not caring one bit, I stubble to the bathroom. Some person grabs my hand I quickly yank it away. "What the hell are you doing here" "Look I just wanted to say sorry" "No get away from me Seth"

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