Chapter 36

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Eathan's POV
"What?" I asked confused "you got a little something on your neck" soon I  realized what he was talking about "God dammit" looking in the mirror.

Rosie's POV
Just remembering earlier this month I was trying to hide my little side, my secret. Now embracing the fact that I have daddies, I don't need to hide any more.
Even though I'm happy, everything just doesn't feel like this should be my life.. I just can't do this anymore.

They make me feel safe, but I know I need to face my problems. Starting with my mom "daddiesss" I said walking down the stairs. They both look up "yes?" both saying in sync.

I laugh "I know you both wanted to talk to me" I nod knowing. "I need to go back to my house" i say surprisingly.
"I need this, my step father is, Somewhere? Omg school, I put all my responsiblitys down, and gosh my mom is on a dumb trip with her druggie boyfriend and Ace.." I say stopping and taking a deep breathe.

"I need to figure this out, on my own. I've lived with these problems for a while, and for some reason he wants to come back now" there both so silent and still. It's starting to scare me with the emptiness on there expressionless face are they even breathing?

"I can't just sir here and live this lavish life, while there is still unfinished business"

After the EXTREMELY long pause of me just leaning on the stairs rail just wanting for a reply. But if I'm being honest this is what I needed, to tell them how I truly feel. I anxiously waited for anything, a movement, a sign there mad or even sad.

Eathan then drops his face into a frown that I never want to see, the sadness but his understanding on his face pains me. Eathan is the first to talk "Rosie I feel like we need to talk about this"

I shake my head "I've already decided, this is what I need" walking back upstairs to my room I grab my suitcase. "I'm actually doing this"

The misconception with Littles are, there fragile, can't do anything without anyone else with them even if there an adult. But that's what makes them even stronger, we allow ourself to be vulnerable, to feel safe in the accompany of someone we trust and love so deeply. Love? Do I love them?

But with that comes responsible, I need to grow on my own. I need this time to be independent, to not only focus on myself. To focus on the people around me "don't try and stop me" I say turning around.

"Rosie" looking up at Seth's eyes "your not gonna lose me, I know your scared. Believe me, I'm scared too" I feel so fucking emotional. I see that Seth wants to say something, but he ignores that feeling. "Okay"

"Were gonna drop you off at your house" I nod "thank you" I hug him "this isn't a goodbye" I cup his face in my hands "I'll call you and text you" picking up the phone they got me.

I had decided since Ace already knows where I am, fuck it. I know it increases some risks, but I need to be the baddest independent bitch I can be. Ace isn't gonna stop me from having fun!

"I'll bring down your suitcase" I nod, looking around my room I walk out the door. Turning around to close the door I couldn't help but whisper "I'll be back" to my room.

In the car it was deadly silent, no one daring to say a word. Instead the radio filled the silence in the air vulnerable to any fast-paced actions. Resting my chin on the door looking at the window in the back seat.

This is a new chapter of my life, this is a step forward. It'll be okay, I just know it will I can't keep being selfish and putting my needs before everyone

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