//Dreams are only that, DRÊÂM$//

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Short angst for the soul❤
(Errors POV for whole thing)

I stared, i had finally defeated ink! I stared down at my dusty hands before a pile of dust with an oversized broom slowly turning to ink and dust.
My friends were cheering me on.
Dream blue were free form inks chains, nightmare came up behind me and kissed my cheek, i looked over and smiled warmly as i embraced him with the whole gang clapping and cheering in the background.
It was everything i could ever want!
Nightmare picked me up and carried towards a portal that he opened and it led to a large room with streamers and cake and friends! All of the originals were there! Plus papyrus's! And everyone was happy! No more copy's and no more ink!
It was so lovely.
They all sang happy birthday, i got many delightful presents and friendly smiles!

Until all i saw was black.
And pain.
I flipped my eye sockets open and turned my eye-lights on in a quick flash.
I was back in the anti-void with a tinge in my soul...

I guess sometimes dreams will stay dreams,,

Âñd rêälïtŷ ïs øftéñ dîsâppõíñtíñg.......
Sorry for the out-of-nowhere short angst story! Just felt like this story needed more angst in it-

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