Passage of time

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How long has it been since that failed raid, was it three months?


With how badly it went it seems strange that I'm unable to accurately remember the time.

Though the events are still burned into my mind. The death of Jake, the extract with the amputated Mundee, and the overall despair that choked the air as we desperately tried to find a way out of that forest.
When we managed to return to safety and assess the damage of everything, there was a duration of time that I wanted to go back and get even with the the ambusher.
Had Cupa not calmed me and been there for me at that moment I probably would have died trying to get back into that forest with futile results.

The person I most feel sorry for out of that whole travesty though would be Nicole. I've never seen more devastation in a person before as she carried the limp body of Jake in tow.

Unfortunately that raid seemed to have spooked the kidnapper into moving operations somewhere else, for when we did return to that forest with a much bigger and overwhelming force, we found it empty.

Weeks past as we continued to try to search for clues on where on Earth she might of took Ramirez.

CJ, Cupa, and Nicole searched where I couldn't with my glider.

I rallied the rest of the girls at home to help me search the nearby grasslands as well.

Still, we couldn't find her.

The search was starting to drive me mad by month two.

Still, I won't give up.

I will find Ramirez.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2021 ⏰

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