To Hell and Back

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The two lines are blurred.....

Diana's POV

The portal journey had made me sick in my stomach. No wonder everyone hated coming here. C.J led the way as we walked across the hot ground in search for any fortresses to raid for supplies. C.J had a uneasy look and I couldn't really blame him with all the skeletons of past adventures that we had come across.

That's when I heard a loud shriek in the air. It seemed to have spooked C.J as it looked like he had jumped in the air. Before I could make fun of him, A gigantic flying ghast was already heading towards us at blazing speed. C.J took no time at all to take out his bow and start to pull a arrow towards the monster.

"Go take cover now!" He ordered me as I could see now that It wasn't just that one ghast as two more followed behind it. I took to his orders and started to hide behind a nether hill as he started to take them out, Screams were heard from the ghasts as C'Js arrows penetrated their soft skin. I peeked at the battle and looked for anyway that I could help. That's when a explosion was heard that took C.J off track.

It also seemed to distract the ghasts as the other two went to go investigate while the first one kept on battling C.J. Now that the other ones were out of the picture it didn't take long for him to take the solo one out. C.J didn't stop to congratulate himself though as he started to run after the noise.

"Come on keep up!" He yelled as I lost sight of him over a hill.

Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to come along with him.


That noise had to do with the blaze's and those were the monsters that I needed to hunt. More explosions were heard as I started to see flying lights in the sky.


Cupa's POV

"Why the hell is Blazette mad as us!" Silk yells as she try's to lasso's a blaze out. I don't respond as more blaze's continue to attack us. "This is bad silk, lets go!" I yell grab her by her sweater into the direction of the portal. I don't see that ghasts though that are ahead.

"Cupa, Shit!"

The ghasts fired simultaneously and knocked us into the air. Now I saw the pit of lava that was ahead of us. I closed my eyes and braced for the impact when I felt a hand grab me by the hips and pull me into a turn around into the floor.

I got onto my knees and saw that Silk was a few meters behind me and flew backwards instead of forwards like me. I saw the man who saved me as he reloaded a arrow while he started to take down the blazes that were attacking. My first reaction was that he was a foreigner, but I saw that the ghasts were getting ready to attack him from behind and quickly got up to assist him.

Minutes later...


I rest on the ground as I hold the purse of blaze powder that I had collected for Diana who was looking after the creeper girl's friend. "You fight nice for a human." I hear from behind me. I look behind my shoulder to see the girl with her hands behind her back and confused face as she was trying to find a emotion. I get up and just go to Diana.

"Come on let's go, there may be more to come if we stay." Diana was talking to the spider girl when I interrupted her. She looked as if she was going to argue when I gave my I'm not taking no for a answer face.

"Your friend is going to like his present, not everyone gets a glider as a present. Also thanks for the help foreigner, not everyone is as nice as you."

"Good luck with your problems to, hopefully you can get some information out of your prisoner."

"These supplies will help with that, good luck with you." Silk says as she and Cupa walk off.

Sabrina's POV

The jokes that the prisoner was popping had ceased. He was silent now and was looking up at me. I thought that this was to be to my advantage but he was totally mute now, maybe because he had soiled himself now. I couldn't even question him as the smell from the cell started to get to much for me.

Silk and Cupa had better hurried up with the supplies so we can further our integration without the worry of killing him, just causing enough pain as possible in order for him to give the location of the killers and the seekers that Silk had informed me about when she did her scouting on the destroyed city that was filled entirely with zombies all seemed to be turned villagers.

I had to bring peace to this land and this prisoner would be the stepping stone to it. He was a monster that needed to be taught the errors of his ways.

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