The hunt for Ramirez Pt.3

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Six heads are better than one...

All that was left was to find Mundee and attack the cave inhabited by Sabrina and rescue Ramirez.

"Where does Mundee live?" Cupa asks as the party leaves behind the snowy lands.

"Well to be completely honest I'm not so sure that he's going to be at this village considering he had a very nomadic lifestyle that last time i met him."

"Even if we can't find your friend I think a group of five will be enough." Diana adds.

"Maybe..." Cupa replies doubtfully.

CJs time estimate to the village was pretty spot on as the outskirts of it could already be seen after a few hours.

"Wait a minute your friend lives in Westfield, that's like the biggest village in the area, if you can even call it that." says Diana.

True to her words Cupa and Nicole were shocked at the towering buildings that loomed over the reinforced stone walls.

"Oh did I forget to mention that." CJ smirks to the annoyance of Diana.

"Mundee takes on a lot of jobs here, more than me. I helped him do them in the past when I discovered this place but seeing all the corruption and crime that goes on here, I always ended up preferring my home village. If it hadn't been for all the high profile contracts here, Mundee would be long gone." CJ explains as the party gets closer.

Only a few meters to the entrance was the group when a seven foot tall iron lady blocked the wooden gate leading into town, waiting for the party to get closer.

"Halt travlers, what brings you here." Her voice was soft and calm, though it  also brought a sense of authority and respect.

"Isabella, do you not remember me." CJ says with a wide smile.

"Travelers past by here all the time, you'd just be another face." she says candidly.

CJs smile fades and snickers come from Cupa and Diana.

"I'm here to visit a friend." CJ mutters.

Isabella looks at CJ for a brief amount of time trying to study him for any signs of a mischievous personality.

Finally she nods.

"Proceed into the city and mind our laws, enjoy your stay."

Isabella steps out out of the way as the wooden gate slowly lurches open for the group to pass on through.

CJ still a bit red-faced from the previous encounter looks around the town.

"Follow me, he should be at the city tavern."

The town was full of activity as the group made their wayto the tavern. Villagers went about their day carrying food home, hauling supplies to various locations, and just enjoying themselves. Everynow and then a towering iron golem would come stomping down the streets scanning for any wrong doing.

"You said something about corruption?" Diana asks CJ.

With a pained face he just shakes his head. "Best not to bring that up right now."

With the tavern in view the group comes walking in, various patrons giving them a look due to the party's size. It doesn't take long for CJ to find Mundee in his usual corner.

"Jesus fucking christ my luck, he's actually here." CJ mumbles to himself.

Mundee doesn't notice the large group walking towards him until CJ places his hands on his shoulders.

"Long time no see my friend."

"CJ! Mr. Smooth talker decides to show his face again." Mundee says with a thick french accent as he gets up to give CJ a hug.

"Jesus it's a been awhile, hows it been with you and your whole 'the village needs me.' mission?"

"Seems you're stuck to this place aswell." CJ smirks.

Mundee shrugs. "What can I say the contracts pay good and there's lots of shit to entertain me, if it weren't for the cunts running the place I'd call this paradise."

Mundee looks around for a second.

"Say, the offer is still up if you wan-"

"I'm not staging a revolt to take this place over Mundee."

Mundee crosses his arms with a disappointed face. "You're no fun pussy."

Mundee now sees the company that is with CJ.

"What's with your warband here?"

"We're off to go rescue someone who's been taken prisoner and we're going to need as much help as we can get.

"Does it pay?"

"I don't want payment for this."

"Well I fucking do."

"Come on man, for old times sake."

Mundee shifts in his seat.

"You already owe me quite a few from what happened last time."

"I know, I know. This is different though, the dude that we're going to rescue seems to be in deep shit."

Mundee lets out a loud sigh.

"Fineeeee. It's a been a slow day anyway. Been wanting to hack some shit up."

CJ reaches out his hand.

"Welcome aboard."

Mundee smiles and takes it.

With everyone now assembled the assault may begin.

Diana looks hopeful at all the volunteers.

"Were comimg for you Ramirez."

Introducing Mundee, the OC of Bagelhead.

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