Andr and Sabrina pt.2

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"How far is your village?" Sabrina asks the saved man, now able to speak clearly.

"Village? I wouldn't call Seattle a village."

Sabrina looks at Andr. "There a village named Seattle nearby?"

Andr shakes her head.

"Are your friends from 'Seattle' too?"

The man looks at the other two sleeping men.

"I don't know those guys."

Sabrinas expression turns to one of annoyance.

"Are you messing with me?"

"Look lady like I said, I don't know where I came from. All i remember was playing a game called Minecra-"

He stops talking and looks at Sabrina and Andr with widened eyes.

"No way."

He picks himself up and starts walking towards Andr.

"Is your name Andr?"

Andr takes a few steps back with a confused look.

"and you, you're Skelly."


Sabrina stops mid-sentence and takes a few menancing steps forward.

"How the hell do you know my name." she growls holding the man by his shirt.

"You were nicer when I was playing." he smiles sheepishly.

"Who the hell are you?" Sabrina asks again letting him go.

"No way, my wish fucking came true." The man drops to his knees and tilts his head up into the air.

"THANK YOUUUUUUUUU." He hollers with a wide grin.

Now severely irritated, Sabrina gives the man a sharp kick to his back. Making him writhe on the floor in pain.

"Listen to me fucker, tell me who you are before I start putting arrows in you."

"Sabrina calm down." A new voice was heard, causing Sabrina to look behind her to see one of the other men now standing himself up.

"Is this a fucking Sabrina convention or someshit, how the hell do you all know my name." Sabrinas bow is now in her hands, although with no arrow in place.

"We....heard about you." The awakened man slowly says, trying to find the right words.

"I don't know a lot of people so that's some bullshit."

"No, No its true." The rescued man says putting his hands up in a surrendered motion.

"We heard about you.....from a story."

"What kind of story?" Sabrina says with narrowed eyes.

"From a love story." Another new voice says this, now from the third man.

"Yes, a love story that uhh....a middle aged man with a beard once told us."

"You fuckwads said you didn't know each other."

"It's a well known story where we come from." The first man says.

Sabrina stays quiet for a moment, eyeing each man for any signs of lying.

"What are your names." Andr finally chimes in.

"I'm Francis." The rescued man says.
"Harold." The second man says.
"Dom." the final man says.


"What happened after that?" Cj asks cupa.

"Skelly told me that it was hard to trust the men at first. Andr was the most willing to actually do it. Skelly even managed to develop feelings for the Dom guy eventually. They were are really good friends and lived together for quite awhile after a few months."

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