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they march one by one untill they all come falling down...

Diana didn't expect this many people to come to the aid in searching for Ramirez. In fact she thought that the backup plan she came up with would have to be used which would involve lots and lots of explosives.

Nevertheless the group was coming closer to the designated cave that Cupa had marked on CJs map.

"I still don't understand all of this fuss over one person were going to fight." Nicole repeated as she breaks the silence that had been unnerving everyone.

"She's going to see us coming, we have loads of traps around the entrance of the cave aswell." Cupa warned.

She then started to skip ahead of the slow moving group.

"Luckilyyyy, I know where all the traps are." she smiles slyly.

The trees started to become more dense as the cave location was drawing near. It was just like the Snowy forest, but without any snow.

"Why can't our location ever be out in a open area." CJ complains as he follows on after Cupa.

"It's peaceful." Jake chimes.

"Not for long I'm guessing..." Nicole replies.

Doms POV

Holy fuck, I don't even know how long I was asleep for, I handn't been able to find anything to treat the posion and it had taken it's toll throughout my body.

My legs were paralyzed as my body was laid against a fallen log.

Spider venom had never been this serious, what the hell did that fucker give me.

Time passed on as I continued to wait by the log, for what I didn't know.

I would eventually have to drag myself, but even then I had no idea where I was in the forest.


A calmed voice makes my head go up sharply, seeing a tall girl with purple hair.

How long had she been standing there?

"Nasty bite you have there." she says while getting close and kneeling down.

"Much worse then that." I reply.

The more she examined it, the more serious her face got.

"What did this to you."

"The village I was residing in got attacked by a swarm of cave spiders, which is something that I've never seen happen. There might not even be any other survivors beside me and the girl I was protecting."


"Long story."

She nods.

"Well I've treated bites like this, but the amount of poison that was injected is more then those spiders ever dealt in my experience."

"What so you're saying I'm fucked?"

"No not at all. I can fix this. It's just going to take...a different approach then what I normally do."

"You a witch or something."

"Something like that." she smiles.

"What do you me-HNNRG."

Without warning the girl bites down on the wound as she begins to give it a suck.

"What the hell!" I gasp as she gives it more force with her hands clinging on.

This goes on for a few minutes as she finally lets go, green liquid around her lips.

"Man you had a lot, this actually probably would have killed you eventually." she says wiping off the liquid on her sleeve.

"Could of told me ahead of time of what you were going to do." I mutter while rubbing my leg.

"Oh relax, it was for your survival, don't get any funny ideas." she scoffs.

Already I was feeling better, with feeling coming back to my legs.




"Silk." she repeats.

Yes that name. The name that Sabriana used to say. The two girls who lived alone in the caves. This was one of the girls?

"Hey you O.K?" Silk asks, breaking me outta my trance.


She nods.

"Well you should be better now, so I think it's time that I return home before I'm missed. Helping you has eased my conscious a bit."

"Yeah thanks..." I wave as she does also while walking off into the forest.

I had to follow her.

C.J's P.O.V

"GOD FUCKING DAMMIT." Mundee screams in agony.

Cupa and I were busy breaking off arrows that were pierced deep into his thigh.

"I fucking warned you about that tripwire, why didn't you listen to me." Cupa chastises him.

Mundee continues to scream more as more arrows are broken off.

Diana fumbles through her satchel until a glass bottle filled with red liquid is located.

Diana bites off the cork as she hands me the bottle.

With Cupa nodding to the afirmation that all the arrows are dislodged, I start to pour the potion onto Mundees leg.

The wounds starts to sizzle and close as Mundee screams even louder.

"We only have two more of those, we can't waste th-." Diana is cut off by Jake who shushes her quiet.

"I hear something."

Cupa muffles Mundees cries with his own shirt as everyone tries their best to listen.

I then heard what Jake heard.

The sound of rustling leaves.

Followed by the sound of a arrow being drawn.

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