The first ones

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A hatred with reason.......

I thought I was dead. The spiders that followed me and Claire were fast little fuckers. Even with the enchantment for the infinite arrows on my bow their numbers were simply overpowering.

The moment I thought I would die from those little shits was when the tide of the battle turned. All the spiders ceased their assault on me and hurried back towards Hermark. The thing that worried me however was that a few went in the direction of Orvale.

I was going to head that way myself in pursuit of Claire when I felt a sudden surge of pain in my arm. Looking down at it I could see a imprint of a spider bite.

The pain didn't worry me so much as the increasing stiffness of my arm. I needed something to take care of this.


Cupa was a big help in finding the ingredients I needed for the alchemist. Even with all my visits into the forest she knew a lot more about plants then I did.

"Say Cupa where do you come from." I ask as we both continued our walk back to the village.

Cupa looks into the sky with her hands behind her.

"The desert."


"Yeah, we have a pretty good population there, the sand is a ingredient for our TNT so it's a good place to call home."

"Did you have parents?"

She smiles at me.

"No, I just magically appeared out of nowhere dummy."

Cupa closes her eyes and her smile fades.

"I don't have much memory of them, I was cared for by different creepers when I was younger that I thought of as family. Never really thought about who my mom and dad were though."

Cupa stops walking.

"I do remember my sister. Her name wad Emi. She was 'evolved' just like me. I lost contact with her when I left my home though. The creepers there said it was no longer safe. Something about the male population starting to die or vanish and the rumors of monsters coming out of a lake."

I tense up and look at her.

"Skelly, my friend was the one who told me about the humans that were coming out of the water. I met her when I was alone in the forest and trying to forage berries. She helped me get meat and we stuck together since then."

Cupa looks down and plays with the dirt with her foot.

"I heard stories about your kind."


She looks directy into my eyes.

"They're not good."

I let out a sigh.

"I take it your friend Skelly told you these things?"

she nods.

"Does she hate us?"

"You have no idea."

I shake my head in confusion.

"Why is that?"

Cupa fidgets a bit before letting out a long exhale.

"Let's sit down, this is going to be a bit of a long story.

Me and cupa take a seat on a large rock as she begins to tell her tale.

"Well, I guess it's best to start at the beginning. Skelly had a friend named Andr. The two of them were the ones who first made contact with the first humans to emerge from the lake."

My eyes widen.


Cupa puts a finger to her lips and looks at me sternly."

"Sorry, continue."

She nods.
"It was early in the morning................"

To be continued.

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