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I'm pretty bad at promises xD. I'm glad this story has been getting good feedback as I thought I didn't do a good job with the flow of the story and kinda screwed over the character development. This story actually spiraled away from what it marginally was supposed to be, which has given me a reason to make different stories with mob talker. Anyways, your comments have gotten me wanting to get back to this and I'll try to update 3 parts to this in April if I don't start another Mob talker Story, Thanks again guys and let's get back into it.

Silence is a fear that can go high.

Silk's POV

I really hope Cupa doesn't take long for wherever she went, or else Sabrina is going to make me go look for her crazy ass. Even after all the years I've known this girl, I can't get understand her actions some times. She's either super silly or acts all quiet and in deep thought. Footsteps interrupted my daze as Sabrina walked out of the holding cell with a triumph look on her face. Her hands were soaked with blood and she just started to wipe it on her pants. "I take it back, you're webs are helpful Silk, I'm going to go patrol the forest, make sure you and Cupa look after it." Sabrina said referring to the prisoner. As she grabbed her bow and quiver and exited the cave, I got on my feet and walked over to where the prisoner was. The key that opened the iron door was sitting on a stone as I grabbed it and unlocked the door.

My eyes widened as blood was splattered all along the walls in a dark hue that made my stomach wrench while the feces smell also kicked in. There sat the prisoner huddling his face between his knees as his hands covered his head. He had stopped with the shaking he had done before and just sat silently still as a statue. I slowly walked over as my shoes went over rags soaked in blood along with empty potion bottles. I stood over the prisoner as he continued to hide his face.

"Hey you alive." I said half-jokingly as my foot gently kicked his leg. As he felt my leg make contact he started to grab tighter onto his head and start to rock himself back and forth in a steady motion. I made a sideways face as I went down to his level with my knees and tried prying his hands away.

He festered for awhile not wanting to give in until I got the upper hand and pinned his hands against the wall. He continued to look down though not wanting to show his face.

"Look up." I simply ordered as his head twitched. There was a pause between the two of us but as he realized I wouldn't go until he showed me he slowly raised up his face as I stumbled back.

The man's mouth was all cut with in a sloppy fashion with my webs used as a makeshift stitch in order for the moth to remained closed. Cuts lined against his cheeks and forehead as some of them were still leaking blood. His eyes didn't show fear or pain but just hollowness. He never looked up at me as I just shook my head in horror. 

Cupa's POV

The village was outlined in the distance as a smile grew on my face. I raced in a hurry, anxious to get a chance to meet the mysterious adventurer. As I gained entry I started to run around the village with a dopey smile on my face. my hoodie obstructed my view as I stood on my tip toes to peer through windows to see if I could find the man on my own. I knew I would need to ask for help but all the adventure's here all were busy while they read there scrolls or hurried on the horses towards the forest to go off on their quest. The center town nether portal sat empty as no one seemed to want to go through it except for women decked in armor. I looked around to see if there was anyone that could help me in my hunt when I saw a building labeled "Bar".

I stepped inside as I looked around. Women sat at tables with some in deep discussion while others guzzled down beer and sang songs about adventures.
I went up to the main bar and grabbed a stool as it dangled my body from the ground.

The bartender gave me a weird look as she was cleaning a glass, most mob girls never really showed their faces in villager towns, as some were hardcore anti mobs no matter if they were human or not.

"What can I do for you stranger." She asked as she placed the empty mug on a shelf.

"I was hoping you could help me find a male that may have passed by here."

The bartender paused for a moment, and gave a small smile.

"You mean him?" she said pointing to a someone sitting in the back corner of the bar with a cowl covering their head. My heart skipped a beat as I thanked the bartender.


The beer that I was now able to buy tasted good with this meal. I was scared that I wouldn't be able to afford things like this anymore. I'm just glad I'm in good terms now.

"Excuse me Sir?"

I was startled by the quiet voice and turned my head sharply around. I was surprised to see the girl that I had quickly met in the nether not to long before.

"Uh, Yes?" I said confused on her being here.

She tried finding words to say but her face started to turn a hue of red as she looked down.

"May I sit down." She said in a quieter town. I nodded my head and gestured to a open seat.

As she sat down I asked her for her name.

"It's Cupa, and yours?"

I'll try posting a new update by the end of next week as I study for my license. Thanks again for all the love guys, It's what keeps me going.

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