Andr and Sabrina pt.1

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If I don't end up dying like I always do every month I'll update weekly on Sundays or Saturdays.

Years Ealier

"Skellllly, how much farther is the lake?" Andr moans in exhaustion.

"For the hundredth time my name is Sabrina, not Skelly you ass." Sabriana says through clenched teeth.

The two continue on the dirt path as more time passes.


Sabriana clutches her head in anger "Oh for the love of Notch where almost fucking there."

"You said that twenty minutes ago." Andr pouts.

"This is the last time I ever take you swimming with me."

"I didn't want to go, I told you I can't swim yet you drag me with you!" Andr snaps back.

"Why the hell can't you teleport us with your magic pearls to get us their quicker."  Sabriana says dodging the subject.

"Why can't you get one of the little spider brats to give us both a ride, because it's not that easy cunt." Andr glared.

Sabriana just shakes her head and continues on.

"See that tree?" Sabriana points.

"That right there is where the la-"

A loud thunderous boom interrupts Sabriana as the two startled friends look up into the sky.

"What the fuck was that." Andr murmurs to Sabrina as she looks for any clouds.

Then came another boom, this time a bit louder.

"I think it's coming from the lake, let's go!" Sabriana yells as she starts running towards the lake.

"Sabriana wait, you don't know that!" Andr hesitates as her feet patter nervously before finally following after her friend.

As the duo approach the lake one final boom was heard. This time Sabriana being able to see a bright red light coming from the lake that followed the boom.

As Sabriana squints she looks to see movment coming from the middle of the lake.

"Hurry Andr! I think there's someone moving in the lake."

"What the fuck do you want me to do about it, I can't get in the water." Andr pants as she finally catches up.

"He- Help! I can-cant swim!"

Sabriana looks at the water to see someone thrashing about in the middle of the lake, trying hopelessly to stay afloat.

"Oh fuck fuck fuckity fuck." Sabriana says as she starts to undress.

"Hold my shit and wait here." Sabriana orders as she unbuttons her top.

"Where's that squid bitch when you need her." Andr curses softly.

Now in just her bikini, Sabriana starts to sprint towards the water, jumping off a connected wooden dock cannonball-style. Using the breast-stroke, Sabriana makes her way closer to the drowning victim, who know sees his rescuer.

"Plea-Please." The man's body begins to slowly sink before Sabriana manages to grab his outstretched hand and jerks his body upwards.

The man starts to cough up water as his arms lock around Sabrianas neck, as she starts to bring the two of them back towards shore.

As Sabriana drags the drowning man onto the sand, she can see two other collapsed men right by Andr.

"They made it here before passing out." She explains.

Sabrina shakes her head "Passing out from swimming for just a little bit?"

"What the hell are villagers doing this far from their home anyways." Sabrina murmurs as she sits herself down.

"Look at their clothes, I've never seen villagers wear that Sabriana." Andr says as she examines the bodies.

"Eh, villagers are weird fuckers, never be surprised by them."

Coughing up water the rescued man moans.

"Where am I." He mumbles.

"You're on dry land now." Sabriana jokes as she stretches her legs on the sand.

The man gets on his hands on knees as he coughs a bit more.

"Those eyes, plus the vortex I went through. What the fucking hell was all that." He continues to murmur.

Sabriana scoffs. "Your welcome."

To be continued.

Love Hurtsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें