Jungle Frenzy Pt. 2

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Judging get you no where...

Tiffany and her wolves led me to the part of the Jungle where I had seen the treehouses. My first thought was that these creatures were cannibals and I was going to eaten at there settlement. But as Tenzin stayed by my side the whole way to their settlement I felt reassured and knew that if I were to be eaten, they would have done it back at the fire pit.

As I started to see treehouses over head, a wooden gate sat ahead of us, using fallen trees as makeshift walls so it looked like a semi circle. I first thought the people on top of the walls standing guard with spears were human. But as soon as I saw that they had tails I knew something was up. Just like at the village they were all girls, All of them. This genuinely freaked me the fuck out. There had to be at least one other male, how the hell did all these people procreate. "I'll take you to our Alpha male, he's in charge of our village." Tiffany said as the gates opened.

Rick was right, people from earth were taking advantage of this dilemma. If my thoughts were correct, then this was one sick twisted settlement as they called it. There were so many things that were wrong with this. As I was lead into inner parts of the village, I could see different species of minecraft animals, and there human counterpart walking around and doing daily tasks. They stopped however as soon as they me and just stared. EVERYONE was staring, I just kept my head down and waited for whatever was going to happen. Maybe this disgusting pack leader prick would kill me, as long as it wasn't a painful experience, I were read-. The hell, no. I wasn't going to get this far into this world just to be eaten by these people. I had to get the hell out of here, whatever the costs. But as I got out of my thoughts, we were already in the pack leaders building.

It was pretty large building at that, bigger than all the one's around it, It was made out of a tan wood and resembled a Nordic mansion.

Tiffany told her followers to wait outside as she took me to what seemed to be the main room. There a man sat on a throne, I could already tell he wasn't from this world. He was from Earth.

"Tiffany who have you brought me." The man asked in a monotone voice.

"A boy I found when we were feasting master, never got his name though."

"What is your name lad?" The man asked.

I kept looking at the floor, thinking of possible escape options, but nothing came to mind.

"Tiffany, would you mind leaving us alone for a moment."

"U-Uh ok master." Tiffany said startled.

As the door closed behind her the man suddenly got up from his throne and started to walk towards me.

"Didn't think it was spawning month already, how time goes by in this world."

I didn't acknowledge him, I just gave him a glare and looked back down.

The man took my arm and started to lead me towards a table where he gently sat me down.

"I apologize for the bindings, Tiffany tends to be rough." He says as I feel the binds being taken off me.

I don't make a run for it, something tells me I should listen to what this man had to say.

"Well I guess you would like to know about our village, then maybe you can tell me a bit about yourself."

The man walks towards a fireplace and looks into the flames with his arms around his back.

"My name is Darien, I came here three years ago, before they started hunting people emerging from the waters, I actually was apart of those killers for a few months, I just wanted to stop any people that would be a threat to the peaceful life here in this world, when I realized I was becoming the thing that I wanted to kill, and that the other guys didn't take any exceptions and killed anyone who emerged, I decided to leave them. They hunted me down and almost killed me, but I made it here to the forest that they feared. Tiffany and her pack picked me up and took me to their den where they took care of me until I recovered from my wounds. There I decided that I would do my best to do what I could do and protect the creatures living in this forest. So, with the wolves and ocelots that lived here, I got them to get together and make a village. With all the help I had given to stop there feud and band together, they have made me leader. When I asked where all the males were they simply said they disappeared a hundred years ago, and since then everyone had stopped aging. It helps that there average lifespan is 300 years and there queens are immortal, but there had been to signs of aging from anyone, I've even heard that some humans from earth have stopped aging as well and have stayed teens. So I had decided it would be best to stay here and protect my people from any humans that decide that can decide they can do whatever they want if you know what I mean, until the males come back, so if I may inquire, what is your story?"

I'm such a asshole, did I really just think of this kind man as a predator.

"I came here just a few weeks ago, someone who had stayed here longer helped me along the way until he was kidnapped by those killers you were with, I was about to save him until a group named the seekers wrecked havoc on the place, I'm trying to hunt them down."

"Well then your in for quite a ride my friend, those people have been here for years, I heard they were the first ones to emerge, even before the killers, they didn't try to stop the flood of people though, they wanted to seclude themselves and start there own settlement, with the mob queens as there captives. As long as they didn't come here, It would be best not to get there attention."

I got up from my seat. "I should be going, I need to see if they left any evidence of where they settled, maybe another village may know."

Darien nodded. "That's you best bet, your welcome back here anytime, the villagers here may have something they can do for you or likewise."

"I'll look around to see if anyone needs help when I have the time, thanks again for the answers Darien."

You leave the room and walk out the building. Darien follows behind me and gives a signal to the gate guards to let me pass. Another Ally I made in this world, a lucky one I was.

After I exited the Jungle, I decided I had time to check one other location out. What that would be I still had to decide.

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