Jungle Frenzy Pt. 1

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Know when to quit...

I unraveled that map that I was given and decided where to start looking. Kate had marked a few villages in the far reaches of the area, I was sure there would be more people from Earth hiding out there, but something felt like the seekers wouldn't be there. Chances were they had their own base somewhere, I had to find out where.

For now though I had to get used to my surroundings, so I had to travel to all the nearest locations first and go on from there.

I had already been to the spawning lake, the hunting forest, and the now destroyed village, all that was left was the jungle to the north. I remembered the warning Rick had given me about the mystery of the place, but there may be clues in there that are hidden from me. Besides I didn't want to cut the trip short and have Riley pester me about being a coward.

As I started to reach the outskirts of the Jungle I realized just how massive it was. Trees grew upwards to tremendous heights that reminded me of the skyscrapers that I used to see regularly downtown. There was a single dirt path leading into the abyss of trees that continued on.

I took the first steps in and made sure to keep my awareness as I didn't know what to expect in this Jungle. I wish that  Rick had told me how far he had went into this place but he never got the chance. I made sure to keep track of the places I had passed in order to find my way out again. Even though the jungle seemed intimating at first, it started to show its beauty as the wet leaves glimmered from the shadowed sunshine up above. The crisp leaves cracked under my feet as I tried to find any points of interest.

Something that did get my attention was smoke coming from farther into the Jungle. Towards the eastern part of it. But as I tried to get the bearings of the location I noticed tree houses a good distance away to the western side of it. Someone or Something was taking refugee in this Jungle. It could be a single person, a group, or multiple groups. I thought of going back knowing I had the chance to keep my presence a secret but in the end I continued on towards the smoke, the houses wouldn't be going anywhere, If I was fast enough I could get to the smoke before whatever made it left the area.

As I noticed that I was closer than expected to the smoke, I broke into a jog as I dogged thorny leaves and fallen branches towards my destination. When I finally got into close proximity to the smoke I started to sneak with my legs bent, wanting to see what I would get myself into if I decided to reveal myself.

It turned out to be a fire, a pretty big one at that, I was surprised that none of the surrounding trees had caught fire. I couldn't see anything yet, just piles of wood next to the fire probably used to keep it going. The people who were here had probably had left already and forgotten to put out the fire. As I heard nothing but the cracking of the firewood being burned, I decided to step out of my hiding spot and investigate. Animal carcasses that seemed to be from cows burned inside the fire pit with blood splatters all over the dirt.

The blood hadn't even dried yet, this feast had happened only minutes ago. That's when I heard it, the menacing growl from behind me. Before I had the chance to unsheathe my obsidian sword I was tackled to the ground from behind me and pinned with my arm around my back.

"This is fucking bullshit." I spit as bloody dirt enters my mouth. I curse myself inside my head for my carelessness, no one would leave that big of a fire burning like that, no one smart at least.

"It might be for you." I hear a girl voice say.

I try to get my arm free but the girl puts more pressure on it making my arm strain with pain. I lay my face in the dirt with defeat. Honestly this isn't how I expected it to end. Maybe dealing with Riley's shit would have been the better option. I hear another growl as a wolf starts to walk in front of me and lays its paw on my forehead. "Aw, Tenzin thinks your his slave, how cute." The girl says seeming to hide a laugh.

This was starting to piss me off.

I make one last struggle as "Tenzin's" paw is pushed off my head. Tenzin didn't seem to like it that much as he claws my cheek and growls again. I feel blood seep out of my cheek and see it start to pool into the dirt. "You're only making things worse for yourself boy." The girl says giving my back a sharp rub with her palm making me grunt. Tenzin looks at me with his golden eyes and places his paw on my head once again. I don't struggle this time and Tenzin takes his paw off my head and licks my cheek where he had scratched me. Magically it feels better and Tenzin nuzzles my neck.

I had gone from scared, to pissed, to being weirded the hell out. The girl finally grabs me by the arms and pulls me up with what seemed to be little effort. I felt rope be tied around my arms as she finally turns me around.

What I see is a girl around the same height as me with white hair going down to her waist from her back and from the front of her shoulders. Her white eyes match her hair along with her pale skin. The only distinct color about her is the animal hides wrapped around her body in a sort of caveman bikini. All around her were wolves that varied in sizes, each looking like they could take me down and kill me in less than a minute.

"I am Tiffany and this is my pack, you now belong to us slave, be obedient and you shall not be eaten."

Son of a bitch.

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