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Dum- dum- dum dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dun

Cupa's POV

I slowly walked up to the adventurer's table as he continued to gulp down his drink and eat his rice. I came up behind and gave a gentle tap on his shoulder. He instantly tensed up as he jerked his head up to look at me. 

"Hello." I said quietly with a smile.

"Er urf tha giurf fr earler." He said incoherently with a mouthful of rice.

"Uh, yes I am." I replied sitting down across from him.

He swallowed down his food and cleared his throat while taking off his hood.

"How may i help you today Miss.."


"How may I help you Miss. Cupa, do you have a job needed to be done, as you can tell I'm one of the best in the business."

"Erm....I don't actually have a job, I just wanted to..."

I couldn't get the right words out as my face started to heat up. 

The man just ate some more of his rice as he waited for me to finish.

"Well if I could get your name first." I finally blurted out.

"It's C.J madame." he responded as he took another drink.

"Why are you so polite in your introductions." I ask trying to get something out to keep this conversation going.

"Born and raised that way, and having to work for people doesn't really allow much in the way of rudeness." He smiles as he takes a look at me.

"How come I never see you around here more often, this town is usually the place where you see familiar faces often, especially mobs."

"I'm always busy helping my friend with her....experiments." I mutter with the last word.

"Well if that's the case, why choose your free time with the likes of me without a job needed to be done." The man rests his chin on his palm and lets out a playful smile.

My face burns as I break eye contact. "I just wondered into town and saw a familiar face, thought I would say hello." 

My face wasn't cooling down and my hands were clasped together in my lap. Why didn't I think this through before going up to him, I always just jump in, stupid Cupa.

Both of us are silent as the man picks at the remainder of his rice. "Say, I'm going out into the forest for a bit to fetch some ingredients for the local alchemist, care to jo--."

"YES." I instantly blurted before he could finish.

The man smiled once again as he stood up from his chair.

"Well then, let us be off while we still have daylight." 

I immediately got up and went by his side out the door.


I silently ate my meal from my table as I saw the duo leave.

So, this is how you were going to be Cupa. Wait until Sabrina hears about this.

C.J will be taking a bigger role in this Act of the story as Ramirez is taken.

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