Going out

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It's good to make the best of permanent situations.......

The man whose name was Rick allowed me to stay in his home and already had a second bedroom ready for me. As I got settled into my new home however Rick came to me with some clothes and a mask.

"We have to go out for some food and other supplies, here put this bandana over your face, best to keep your anonymity for now, especially around any villagers that cross our path."

Rick handed me my clothes and left the room giving me privacy. "Tell me when your ready to go." He shouted through the door.

I took a look at the clothes spread across my bed and noticed they were all a dark shade of green along with the bandana. "no goggles?" I chuckled as I suited up.

I exited my room to have a backpack chucked into my arms. "I found a extra one of those off a dead guy not to far from the lake, you'll need it." Rick said putting on his own.

"Last thing you'll need is a weapon, I'll have to teach how to use a bow later, for now take this iron sword and sheathe I got from a smith." I took the heavy sword from Rick and started turning it around, inspecting the edges. I put my sheathe around my pants and sheathed my sword.
"Ready? Lets go."

We exited the home and started up the short hill. It wasn't until now without the worries of my wound in my head that I could take in the surrounding area to its full extent. To the front of me I could see the towering Oak trees surrounding the lake where I had come from with the sun slowly coming up from the tree line making beautiful rays of sunshine. To the back and South had hills rolling and rolling beyond my field of vision to whatever may lie ahead.

To the North however were high trees that looked able to reach the stars up above with ease. "That Jungle is a mysterious one, I've only been in it a few times and I've never seen anyone come out when I scan it from time to time." Rick said as he noticed my curiosity.
"So where are we heading?" I asked ready to travel.

"We'll beyond the hills to the South is a pretty large village where I do trading secretly from time to time, however the killers are settled around that area so I tend to stay away.Behind the Western hills is a humongous forest with large amounts of animals to hunt, we're heading there." Rick finished starting to walk with me in behind him.

As we got past the last of the hills I stared in amazement as huge pine trees towered in front of me. "Best to hunt now and stock up before it starts to snow in the upcoming seasons." Rick advised taking out a bow.

"I'll teach you how to craft after we get a few kills." Rick whispered as he scanned the forest for any movement. That's when he put a finger to his lips and pointed his finger ahead, a cow. Rick slowly and silently pulled out a arrow from his quiver and placed it on his bow. "Come on, Come on." I thought

We stood in front of the unmoving cow as Rick pulled out a dagger. " Unlike the game, here we gotta get messy." Rick stated as he started to skin the dead animal. Once the meat was showing Rick started slicing off large slabs of meat before taking out a empty sack from his backpack and placing each of them inside.
"Alright let's start crafting, first you get the items you need." Rick started taking out small miniature cubes of building blocks and dropped them all onto the floor. 

"Pretty simple, just line up what your making on the ground if it's 3x3, you can make it bigger with a crafting table." Rick took 4 wooden blocks and pushed them all together as they started to morph and change color until a miniature crafting table was in there place.

Rick put it in his pocket and grabbed his backpack. "The villagers can make crafting recipes for amazing things that we couldn't do ingame, remember to check if there able to make something for you." Rick explained as he started for the exit of the forest.

"that's enough for one day le-." Rick was interrupted by a arrow to his shoulder. He fell to the floor in a slump as I turned around to face the attacker.

"Son of a Bitch!" Rick shouted as four men started closing in on us. I ran for Rick but was greeted by three arrows that landed in front of my feet.

"Just go Ramirez!" Rick was busy trying to remove the arrow in shoulder and I was running out of options. I took his word and started to run toward the safety of the mountain.
I didn't look behind me as I heard the shouts of Rick. "I ain't fucking scared of you, Fuck you!"
But not soon after there was silence from behind me as tears started to fall from my eyes. I didn't turn around though, I just kept on running with the only sound around me was the panting of my own breath.

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