Rescue of my Rescuer

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Some things take a second glance......

The cobblestone streets were eerily empty as most of the villagers were probably in bed. I had no idea of the time, but I could start to feel the fatigue form in my body. But I couldn't stop until me and Rick were out of this village.

I had to find where they were holding Rick, I gazed around the town some more until a stone tower in the middle of town caught my gaze. I smiled as I started to run towards the tower. The streets were strangely quiet as I suspected to see at least a few people roaming the streets, no guards were spotted either. A knot grew in my stomach as I sensed something bad brewing as I reached the outside of the tower.

Things were getting weirder as the door  of the tower was wide open, and a dark red liquid was splattered across the floor. My body froze as I tried finding an explanation to this. How were the guards outside not alerted to this.

That's when it hit me.

Who opened the gate for the guards.

I drew my sword as I looked around for anyone. I entered into the tower in a fast pace with fear brewing in my body.

Blocks emitting light hung upon the ceiling only allowing dim lighting. With all the large glass Windows it seemed as if the tower relied on natural light.

A loud noise erupted from up above as it echoed along the thick walls. Then a scream, a scream of rage, followed by another thud. A pair of stairs leading downwards was ahead of me and I decided that it would be a better option then going upwards.

As I went deeper underground, the lighting got better and better as I was able to increase my pace. This tower had a sinister feeling to it and I would be glad to leave in an instant.

I entered a room that had a foul odor a soon as I first stepped in. I was glad to have my bandana as it was able to it from making me gag.

Prison cells  were lined up against the walls, with most of them being empty except for the occasional bones taking the place of a prisoner. A prisoner hugging his knees caught my attention however, as I made my way to his cell.

The man slowly looked towards me with bloodshot eyes as I could start to make out the cuts spread across my back. "Ramirez?" The man whispered as he slowly got up.

This was the first time I saw Rick out of his outfit and his appearance was one that I hadn't expected. He looked to be a man in his thirties, he had a full grown mustache and beard that was starting to go downwards, his crew cut seemed fresh which didn't seem likely. his muscle definition stuck out the most though.

"Jesus Rick, they only had you for a few hours."

"They made use of the time they had." Rick mumbled.

"They started questioning me where you were hiding, and if I knew where anyone else was hiding, but there was a loud noise outside and they all suddenly left."

As Rick was explaining I went over to a set of levers and started pulling each one until Ricks finally opened. He started limping out until I ran over and gave him my aide.

"Let's get the hell out of here." I said as we walked out of the prison. As we reached the upper floor my eyes grew wide. There was blood leading down the stairs from where I had heard the noise from earlier. "What the fuck is going on?" Rick asked me.

I didn't respond and instead continued on with Ricks arm wrapped around my neck. The quietness of the outside that I had experienced when I arrived was completely gone. Screams of villagers could be heard all around as the streets were filled with them, some carrying cases filled with clothes or children wrapped in their arms.

I looked around and saw large chunks of the city walls missing with legions of mobs entering in by the dozens. Zombies, Creepers, Archer Skeletons and giant spiders were running around  the town, killing villagers gruesomely.

"Shit, they're coming in from everywhere!" I exclaimed trying find a exit.

But as my eyes wandered I noticed five figures standing on top of the crumbling walls, they looked heavily armed compared to villagers leading me to believe they were from our world. What sent chills down my spine however was that they had their gaze set in out direction.

They stayed still for a moment before finally jumping down on the other-side to safety. I was confused and looked over at Rick for answers. His face was a mixture of anger and fear.

"The seekers, the seekers did this."

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