Breaking Points

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To far gone...........

Silk's POV

I sat on the stone floor while playing with my webs. The humans that we had met, why had they been so kind. We didn't dare to mention the help from the human to Sabrina since we knew she would flip her shit. Cupa stayed quiet as well as her mood took a change. Now that Sabrina had the ingredients to keep the human alive she was relentless on damaging him as much as she could. Screams echoed in the cave as she used new and creative tools to try to break the human, in fact I don't even think she was going for information anymore, just trying to hurt him as much as possible with her sadistic mind. 

It was the third day now, but the human looked like he was here for weeks. Me and Cupa didn't even want to step into the room he was in as it reeked of feces. It didn't seem to affect Sabrina anymore though. My mind fought back and forth on whether or not the human deserved something like this. Did we even know where he had come from, had he been just some random hunter in the woods trying to survive until we had come across and captured him. I wanted to ask Cupa about her opinion but something was stopping me. I just needed more time to think. No, I couldn't just sit around and think anymore, I was going to find Cupa and ask her, what harm could come of it. As I looked around though, I couldn't find a trace of her.

Cupas POV

I was lucky to leave while Sabrina and Silk were busy, I was afraid Silk would snitch on me to Sabrina so I couldn't take any chances. I needed to find a way to the adventurer village and find the man who had saved me. There was just something about him that intrigued me, beside if he was a human I needed to know more about him, to see if they were like what Sabrina said, vile invaders set on a path of destruction and chaos. Luckily we had managed to get a Map during our many scavenging runs on destroyed villages so finding it wouldn't be to difficult. I just had to hurry and find the place before Sabrina gets the nerve to go looking for me.

Diana's POV

As i had finally returned home to think everything would be normal, Zoey and the rest of the girls where in a panicked state. 

"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN!" Riley screamed as I entered the main room. "I was just getting supplies, I wasn't even gone that long." I said in a defensive tone.

"Was Ramirez with you?" Zoey asked worryingly.

"No, I was going out to get him something." I said, now worried about there question.

"Ramirez has been gone for three fucking days and Kate and Isabel are looking around the area for him." Riley said in a spiteful tone.

"Calm down, I'm pretty sure he's just having trouble with his hunt, he's probably resting at a nearby village." I say confidentially, knowing this isn't the first time Ramirez would run into trouble with all the stories he had told us of his capture.

Riley didn't seem to assured. "I'm going out there, stay here with Zoey."

"Wa-." Riley had already left before I could get a word out.

"Where are you Ramirez."


Money, Money Money. Boy did that villager pay a load. I had enough to take a short vacation for a couple of days. I was glad that I had finally faced up the fear to go to the nether. I even managed to get me some blaze rods and tears for myself to keep me afloat once I used up my money. I just couldn't stop thinking about the girl that I had saved. I never got a chance to really talk to her as they seemed to be in a hurry, the girls didn't seem to comfortable around me either. I hope that I would cross paths with her again in this small world, but for now I had to take care of myself and earn a steady income whilst helping the people around here, I wouldn't leave this place for heaven, or the Aether, if that's where I'll be going instead.

Sabrina's POV

Never had I thought the human would break. As I looked down at him with all the damage I had done, I only saw a shell of the man that I had originally captured. I think I had turned him mute as he only made noise when I was cutting into him. He never once looked up at me even when I threatened him to do so. HIs eyes were bloodshot and his clothes were bloody and in rags from my knives. He had also developed a constant tremble as his body would never stop shaking. I wasn't done with him yet though, no this was only the beginning of what I would do to him.

That's when I noticed the string that Silk had left behind. Maybe I could fashion a way to shut him up for good. I took out my dagger and grabbed the string while walking towards him.

Silk's POV

The screams were louder than they have ever been, but they only lasted a few seconds, and that's what worried me, what has she done.

I'll try to update more regularly, thanks for all the support to continue this on ^_^

Love HurtsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ