Update from a dead writer

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Holy fuck guys, I honestly don't know how long I've been dead for. A lot of shit has happened, and now being almost done with school I've come back to my past projects in which I've worked on.

Skip to last paragraph to ignore my ramblings if you want.

I still see people adding this to their reading lists and commenting on my dead story, and for that I say thanks.

I've worked on my writing a lot over the past year of my unannounced hiatus, and without trying to sound like a pompous cunt, I've felt as if I've gotten better. I'm actually kind of cringing while reading what I wrote in the past, knowing I could have put more effort in.

This story, and this fandom is what first got me into writing, and has branched me off into other different shit that I know enjoy. I actually still love this Minecraft fandom a lot, no matter how bizarre it might be.

Anyway, again thank you all for reading this story to how far it's come.

Though now I'm actually planning on doing a rewrite, to focus on making everything just plain better, with more emotion involved. Unless of course some of you want me to just keep on with what I have which is also ok, I can keep going. Thanks again for all of you who click on this and return to this story once I post this.

See ya soon ^_^

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