Courage of a Coward

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Best friends are hard to come by.....

I managed to make it back to Rick's house without any pursuers on my trail. Which sadly meant that they were just fine with Rick as there captive. "Fuck!" I cursed punching a table in anger. I had to do something, I couldn't just let Rick die, after all he's done for me to insure my survivability in this world.

The memory of Rick saying that most of those men lived near the village close by popped into my mind. I clasped my hands together. "I know where he is, now what." I asked myself aloud as I paced the living room.After moments of pondering I came to the conclusion that I had to sneak into the village and rescue Rick myself.

The only weapon I had however was the Iron sword He gifted me. I went over to the kitchen and looked around to find a few knives, I could use them as makeshift daggers. There was not much else to take so I grabbed a few loaves of bread I found wrapped in a cupboard for what I was guessing would be a long rescue mission. After getting all my supplies I put my hand on the door handle and took a breath. I wouldn't let myself turn back.

This time on my journey in the outside world I made sure to be vigilant and always looked behind me to see if I was being followed by someone. But what worried me more was the sun that was starting to set in the distance. I knew if I didn't make it to the village by night fall monsters would get me, and I hadn't had much fight training from Rick.

As the I left the safety of the hills behind me I could see a distant glow ahead of me. "Bingo." I murmured as I started to jog.

As I got closer with the sky above starting to turn a dark blue I noticed that the village had a pretty tall cobblestone wall surrounding it with three masked guards protecting the entrance.

I cursed knowing they would try to capture me on the spot. I took shelter in a nearby bush watching the guards to see if they showed any signs of moving.
Minutes went by and they seemed like statues with axes in their grasp. I didn't notice the sky turn black as any traces of the sun disappeared with the mojo taking it place.

I heard the moans of the zombies that started to spawn around the area where light from the walls was not shining. The three guards equipped their shields and took a defensive stance as they formed a triangle around the gatehouse.
Hidden safely in the bush I looked around the area to see figures in the distance start to walk towards the town.
It didn't take long to form a plan on my entrance into the town. I continued to wait as the monsters drew nearer which seemed to be growing into a horde.
"Open the gates there's too many!" One of the guards yelled. But what surprised me was that the voice had a feminine sound to it. The plan I had didn't seem so good now, but I stuck to it.
I took out one of my kitchen knives and watched as the gate slowly opened. Before the guards had a chance to retreat inside I sprinted towards them as they continued to focus on the monsters.
Before they could react I took the kitchen knife and plunged it into one of the guards stomach, easily piercing their leather armor. I heard the girl let out a scream that rattled my bones.

I did a dirty move, but there was no other option. As the other two guards started to look at their injured friend I took another stab at one of them entering their neck, I pulled out the knife and saw the guard clutch her throat as she fell to her knees.

The last guard who I guessed was the leader with the iron armor she wore immediately took a swing at my shoulder with axe. I sidestepped her blow as I then hurriedly ran into town, cutting the rope holding up the gate that was left unattended.

As the girl was in pursuit of me the gate fell leaving her grasping the metal bars that fell in between us. I could see the deep hatred in her eyes as she looked behind her back and saw monsters coming closer.
She immediately kneeled down next to her fallen comrades to see if they were ok only to find the one sliced in the throat unmoving and the one shanked in the stomach murmuring unrecognizable language. "Open the gate I can still save her!" She ordered me as she started to lift her up.

I looked at the mechanism to open the gate and knew I had broken it. I took a look at the now desperate eyes of the captain and turned around, walking away from the gate. "I'm sorry." Is all that escaped my lips.

"Please call for help, do something please!" As she finished the sentence I could hear her voice break as she knew her and her friends fate. I continued walking into the now empty streets with no one in sight.

Crying could be heard behind me, followed by a echoing scream that would be engraved into my soul with finally the sound of a crunch.
I knew I would never forget what I did. The memory of this would stay with me until the day I die.

Hopefully that day wasn't today.

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